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CTD when crafting: log included


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Sorry on phone.


Okay go to game, hit console, type save test 1. This will generate a text file and save called "test". We will use this txt file to look at what enchanments you had later.


Download ESS file editor. Open it up and load up this test save we made.


Go to the list called "change forms". Expand it. It will be very long, but dont worry because Enchantments are not far down (about 200, just keep scrolling).


This is all the enchantments in a row, no need to scroll to find more once you locate these. Now you won't be to tell what enchantment is what from here, so remove one at a time until the game stops crashing. When you find that it starts working, make a save with the menu, not console


Once we locate that bad one, which should be the last one you removed from the test, make a copy of that text file that appeared after we made console saved. Go back to your original broken save, and make a copy. Remove the broken entry from that save.


Now go back in game and save again with console, this time "save fixed 1". Compare both the text files now and determine which enchantment is now gone, because that is the broken one.

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Go to the list called "change forms". Expand it. It will be very long, but dont worry because Enchantments are not far down (about 200, just keep scrolling).

Are they titled magic effect?

Edit: I can't see anything that refers to enchantments.

Edited by Boombro
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They are titled ENCH with weird formids that do not relate to the formids in game. Maybe for you they are a little lower in the list, it is a huge huge list.
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Then that is a huge problem, this means you have no enchantments learned in the save. Try making a copy of your last nirmal save and checking it with ESS viewer again.


You are looking at the "change forms" category between global 2 and global 3 correct?

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