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Martin Bugged

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Hello im new here sorry if this is off topic but my oblivion is seriously bugged. Ok so martin goes and does the glowie thing while he is in the center of the pillars at the temple of the one and he goes "oh noes i know what i must do" and then he sees dagon and goes "oh noes" again, and yeah then he like explodes with out gore, like just vanishes in a flash of light. 5 seconds later, he respawns just sitting there like a dumbass and i cant move at all so i couldnt smite him. What ive heard from my REALLY addicted friend (who beat it like 5 times) says that he turns into a dragon so im guessing my version is bugged. That could be that im using a crack b/c i lost my CD :ph34r: .... I also likes to make my modz and im just learning to script buuut that was after the crappyness occured. Well that makes me sad to play the main quest so im not playing it any more (handy that o_O )
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Split your post off, as it was off-topic in that other thread. Please pay attention to the topic of a thread and don't make off-topic posts asking questions, as that's thread hijacking (see the rules). Thanks. ^^
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  • 1 month later...
the cracked version dosent do anything to the mainquest or any quest, I have that patch to but fo my own reasons. :rolleyes:


I have the very same situation with martin reappearing after a foiled attempt to transform. he will try again, but the same thing happens. Dagon is still, as in no movement and the game does not progress. if i try to load another savegame i CTD. Wondering if a mod conflict would cause martin not to transform.

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