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Modding Sites


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I was wondering if there were any other modding sites by specific authors. I know SkyrimGTX has his page. Anyone know of some other noteworthy authors? I've gotten a decent fill on Nexus and the other one.

Edited by ReaperTechBaby
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SkyrimGTX was banned from here, never knew he had a site though.


Youve got TesGeneral, TesAlliance, DarkCreations, Sands of Time own site and if you look through google with some interesting search terms, you'll find some foreign goodess as well. I have a few others on my bookmarks but dont have them handy atm.


Also there is a certain underground site, that should be on the deep web on account of its ghastly content and lack of childproofing, you will know that one when you see it. If you already havent.

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Also there is a certain underground site, that should be on the deep web


you will know that one when you see it. If you already havent.

I'm not sure, but I do't think not many knows or/and have access to deep web.

Deep web Skyrim mods sounds both creepy and attractive.

Edited by Boombro
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