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Mod Load Order Question


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use BOSS is good for sorting Oblivion load order, don't use LOOT or other


make sure your BOSS setting like this, then click 'Run Boss'. the load order now should will be better


EDIT : for new player in Oblivion, option 'Update Masterlist' need to be checked





Here is my example of realtime sorting story



Edited by lubronbrons
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I'd say to ensure the "Update Masterlist" checkbox is checked too (screenshot 1)


In Bash, right-click on Boss icon in the applications bar and make sure "BOSS Disable Lock Load Order" is checked


ahh my bad.... @Dragon32 Thx for correcting me

I tend to keep masterlist update remain unchecked,

because I use BOSS frequently in testing and developing many mod

but for this user case..... Yeah, it 'need' to be checked true

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