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Look over shoulder.


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Can someone with the time and skills please make a simple first person look behind mod for when we're riding a horse, I get fed up of being chased and not knowing how far away the critter is and getting either my char or his horse mauled when trying to park up and dismount... just a simple look behind button like in racing games PLEASE! :biggrin:
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Vanity mode, maybe?


Just hold down the button that switches your perspective (by default it should be R) and you'll be able to look all around your character.



Yeah thanks I know about that though ... I use T as R is rest in my game... However I'm not talking about swapping to third person and spinning around my char with the mouse whilst playing keyboard Mozart trying to steer a horse through forest and undergrowth at sixty seven zillion miles per hour. I was thinking more of a one button press to look behind... as I said 'kinda like look behind in race games'

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... as I said 'kinda like look behind in race games'


I know what you mean. One of the reasons I never use horses in Oblivion. But I think this cannot be solved in 1st person. If it was possible I'm sure there were 10 mods out there to do just that.


I did some testing to understand the camara problem. Since camera in 1st person is controlled by the animations, I tried to overlay the riding animation with a specialidle where the camera is defined with high bone priority. I set the angle to max (180/-180°), and later also changed Bip01 and Bip01 NonAccum. But whatever i tried, I could never change the angle more than about 120° backwards. Some "force" always pulled the camera back, overruling the idle.


So I believe, camera01 has some hardcoded mechanisms, which are different from other bones, and which prevent freely definable camera rotation.

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Thanks for that 'fore'... not the kinda news I wanted but I understand a little more now through you explanation, thinking about it I guess the riding does differ from the walking in that some things are disabled while riding.
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