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combat is scary mod


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I was thinking, with the kill cam and combat and how combat irl is quite scary it lead to think, what if when ever you perform a kill move or just kill an enemy in a group of enemies there is a small chance that the nearby enemies may be stricken with fear? I was thinking of this because think about it if you saw someone in your group get torn in half or burn to death or whatever wouldn't that scare you?




here's the main thoughts


on killcam moves there's a 5% chance of causing fear

regular kills 3%



I suggest this to be low because most people you are fighting are battle hardened people so it should be harder to scare them, alot if you kill someone in front of civilians or people that don't generally fight there should be a higher chance of scaring them


also another idea is that instead of enemies fleeing in fear they would instead be shaken and what happens then is that they take penalties in combat but still fight regardless

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