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Streamline INI reset


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Streamline 3.1 (latest) seems to reset oblivion.ini to default every time the game is run. Besides obvious inconvenience of not being able to tweak, it also causes conflicts with mods that are dependent on the said .ini, most notably ,Enhanced grass - it simply ceases to work.


I've tried tweaking the streamline .ini, but to no avail. It still causes problems even on completely mod-free oblivion (only mods being OBSe, streamline and enanced grass)


Has anyone encountered this problem? Is there a way to make these two mods work?

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From my experiments you don't need to run Enhanced Grass with Streamline, Streamline also allows for grass to be rendered further than in vanilla Oblivion.

I've tried chaging the following values in the Streamline ini:


et SLv.AF0 to 1.0 ; Enable?

set SLv.AF1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fGrassEndDistance

set SLv.AF2 to 0.0 ; lowVLOD "Max distance at which to

set SLv.AF3 to 16000.0 ; maxVAL display grass"

set SLv.AF4 to 16000.0 ; minVAL


set SLv.AG0 to 1.0 ; Enable?

set SLv.AG1 to 100.0 ; highVLOD - fGrassStartFadeDistance

set SLv.AG2 to 0.0 ; lowVLOD "Distance from player at which

set SLv.AG3 to 14000.0 ; maxVAL grass begins to fade out"

set SLv.AG4 to 14000.0 ; minVAL


But it has no effect whatsoever. Grass is still rendered only 8000 units away.

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I think Alenet, the developer of Oblivion Reloaded, said that grass rendering is limited to 8000 units by the game engine, regardless of ini settings. Or something close to that. Using either Oblivion Reloaded or Enhanced Grass (pick one, not both) from Alenet fixes that. Or so I have been told.


Here is a quote of the description of the Enhanced Grass mod:


Oblivion grass limitation:
- the grass distance is CAPPED to the 3x3 cell and you cannot raise it
- the fGrassEndDistance in the ini file is 8000: just a little bit of 2 cells (the player cell + 1 cell around)
- the max possibile value fGrassEndDistance is 8192 and even if you raise that value, the grass is not rendered over the 3x3 grid
- raising the uGridToLoad (7 or 9) doesn't help because the limit is fixed



Edit: Also, I have never used Streamline myself, so I have no idea how it works. At all. :whistling:

Edited by PhilippePetain
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Have you got StreamSmooth enabled?

set SLv.FPSsmoothing          to       1
I think both Streamline and Enhanced Grass remove the engine limitation.


If you get annoyed by Streamline changing detail levels a lot then lower SLfpsmon.High so that Streamline's maximum settings apply more often (I'd mine at 25 and Low at 12).

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Does Streamline come with an OBSE plugin? If not, I cannot see how it could bypass an engine limitation as a normal mod.


Edit: I mean, a normal mod cannot do anything about the engine (obviously). But if Streamline is not a "mere" normal mod, it is indeed quite possible for it to have such functionality. I would check it myself, but as it comes in an .exe it seems, I think I will pass. So you might be completely right about it. Sorry. :P

Edited by PhilippePetain
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Does Streamline come with an OBSE plugin? If not, I cannot see how it could bypass an engine limitation as a normal mod.

No DLL file. It does use OBSE though.


One thing I forgot was that in a running game you need to re-initialise Streamline to use any changed INI values. It'll automatically pick up the INI values on a new game and continue to use them unless you open its menu (Ctrl + Home) and click a button.

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Update - Just tried Streamline+Enhanced grass with the fixes to streamline ini. I have turned off the dynamic fps management and on-the-fly level of detail change. It seems to work, however, all the extra grass enabled by the Enhanced Grass disappears the moment i move the character half an inch in any direction. Perhaps Streamline overrides EGrass (odd, considering the latter is an OBSE plugin).


Perhaps, both are incompatible with each other. And Oblivion.ini is STILL reverted. I've no idea why streamline does that - there is no mention of this "feature" in readme.


Plugin list:




Streamline 3.1.Esp

[OBSE] Enhanced grass



P.S: Tried Oblivion Reloaded. However, its in-game configuration menu key ["O" by default] does nothing for some reason. I wonder if streamline messes it up as well...

Edited by Themdl
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Hrm, I'm afraid I don't know what's going on.


Alenet says not to use Streamline (except its auto-saving feature I think) with Oblivion Reloaded. Before he released OR I tried Enhanced Grass with Streamline, and I found a note I made to myself: "Doesn't seem to place nice with Streamline (stuttering, FPS hit) even when Streamline isn't affecting grass distance. Haven't tried it without Streamline."


I've never had the INI problems you're having with Streamline though. The INI settings it changed for StreamSmooth would be there in Oblivion.ini when I left the game.


If you're just looking for an auto-save / purge cell buffers mod then have a look at Kuertee's Auto-save and Time.

Edited by Dragon32
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Update - Just tried Streamline+Enhanced grass with the fixes to streamline ini. I have turned off the dynamic fps management and on-the-fly level of detail change. It seems to work, however, all the extra grass enabled by the Enhanced Grass disappears the moment i move the character half an inch in any direction. Perhaps Streamline overrides EGrass (odd, considering the latter is an OBSE plugin).


Perhaps, both are incompatible with each other. And Oblivion.ini is STILL reverted. I've no idea why streamline does that - there is no mention of this "feature" in readme.


Plugin list:




Streamline 3.1.Esp

[OBSE] Enhanced grass



P.S: Tried Oblivion Reloaded. However, its in-game configuration menu key ["O" by default] does nothing for some reason. I wonder if streamline messes it up as well...

Some more tinkering with the .ini and nothing have changed. I guess you're right, and streamline has to go. Enhanced grass works fine without it. Though one of the features of streamline was adding the actual water reflection of the player, that will be missed...

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