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My Horsey ;_;


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Well, I was playing the game as usual. Fast traveling and everything. Then, all of a sudden I don't see the 'Your Horse is stabled outside the city gate' message when I fast travel. So I'm thinking that, well, I'd go back to where I originally got Shadowmere to get her back... and she wasn't there. I checked everywhere on my map after that, all the stables and everywhere in the wilderness that I had visited so far.


Anyone else had this problem? Did ya rectify it? ;_;

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Well, I was playing the game as usual. Fast traveling and everything. Then, all of a sudden I don't see the 'Your Horse is stabled outside the city gate' message when I fast travel. So I'm thinking that, well, I'd go back to where I originally got Shadowmere to get her back... and she wasn't there. I checked everywhere on my map after that, all the stables and everywhere in the wilderness that I had visited so far.


Anyone else had this problem? Did ya rectify it? ;_;


I actually had Shadowmere fall out of the game world. I fast traveled to a fort and my horse shows up (not that I had a choice). The idiot animal started walking... walking.... walking.... straight into a wall. I looked around for a second, look back and see just the back end of him as he plunges through the wall. Haven't seen the *censored* since.


I think you can use console to resummon Shadowmere. I haven't looked. Horses are less than useless in this game. If I want horses I load up Morrowind with the IWWH mod. I love horse breeding!


Sorry I couldn't help more....

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I had that problem once. I went into an Oblivion Gate, and when I got back, she (yes Shadowmare is a SHE! mare) was gone. I never saw her again...I got rid of that character...kajiits aren't my cup of tea. Now, I don't have that problem because of this useful mod.
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Well, I was playing the game as usual. Fast traveling and everything. Then, all of a sudden I don't see the 'Your Horse is stabled outside the city gate' message when I fast travel. So I'm thinking that, well, I'd go back to where I originally got Shadowmere to get her back... and she wasn't there. I checked everywhere on my map after that, all the stables and everywhere in the wilderness that I had visited so far.


Anyone else had this problem? Did ya rectify it? ;_;




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To those respondents suggesting a return to Farragut, that base was already covered:

... So I'm thinking that, well, I'd go back to where I originally got Shadowmere to get her back... and she wasn't there. ...


Only course I can suggest is to get on another horse. Once the new horse becomes tagged as your current ride, Shadowmere should start trudging back home. Might take time, though.

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Also, to everyone calling Shadowmare a guy: Are you morons!? Shadowmare is obviously a female.

mare: a fully mature female horse or other equine animal.

While you correctly define 'mare', you neglect to define 'mere'. In all probability, the intended meaning is this.


It's rather fitting, given that the DB's business is killin', that it can be translated as 'Darkwater'.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Well, I was playing the game as usual. Fast traveling and everything. Then, all of a sudden I don't see the 'Your Horse is stabled outside the city gate' message when I fast travel. So I'm thinking that, well, I'd go back to where I originally got Shadowmere to get her back... and she wasn't there. I checked everywhere on my map after that, all the stables and everywhere in the wilderness that I had visited so far.


Anyone else had this problem? Did ya rectify it? ;_;


the little b*tch just did the same to me, did everything I could to try & get her back, I even tried the call steed mod & player.placeatme niether worked (placeatme wouldn't work cause the form ID I found proved useless).


so seeing as it was hopeless I sought to replace her, being the clever b*stard I am I bought a black horse, armored it, renamed it (no, I didn't name it Shadowmere...), & made it essential (unkillable).

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