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Body Type3m for Fallout 3?


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Hi, let me preface this with saying that I searched everywhere I could and did not find a thing, so i'm coming here out of neccesity.


Anyway, I have recently began modding Fallout 3 and got to the pesky part of finding a body mod.

Upon a lot of research I came upon type3m for new vegas, took a liking for it and found out it had a port of fallout 3, However nowadays it's deleted and seemingly no where on the internet.

Can anyone possibly help me with finding this port?

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yeah it's right here... not quite the same though due to FO3 being on an older engine.


Same engine actually. Same engine that's been used since MW pretty much. Graphic capabilities of that engine have been changed on Beth's end but where Fo3 and NV are concerned they're pretty much exactly the same.

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Hi, let me preface this with saying that I searched everywhere I could and did not find a thing, so i'm coming here out of neccesity.


Anyway, I have recently began modding Fallout 3 and got to the pesky part of finding a body mod.

Upon a lot of research I came upon type3m for new vegas, took a liking for it and found out it had a port of fallout 3, However nowadays it's deleted and seemingly no where on the internet.

Can anyone possibly help me with finding this port?


Download and manually install the New Vegas version. It will work in Fallout 3 as long as you do the installing. How do I know? I use the AddOn only version and I choose which individual piece of clothing/armor I was going to use.


Instead of using the clothing textures from the Type 3M, I chose to use Wasteland Clothing HiRes Retexture by Macintroll, also a New Vegas mod.

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Same engine actually. Same engine that's been used since MW pretty much. Graphic capabilities of that engine have been changed on Beth's end but where Fo3 and NV are concerned they're pretty much exactly the same.

i thought they were using a somewhat newer version? my mistake then, scratch that out of my previous comment.

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