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Bows, Swords and Knives


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I've seen some footage of swords, cant remember of the name from fallout 3. it was the same as you build there, only longer, deadlier.


anyway, knives and swords will be in, they was added in fallout 3 and stealth will care a lot more in fallout 4.

maybe you can craft some kind of bows or crossbows in the game, I would celebrate it^^

the Shiskebab haha :thumbsup: . i'm definitely looking forward to that badass sword too, especially with mods. yea, after playing Skyrim and Far Cry 4 with the bow, i'd love to see a bow in-game to, and custom, craftable arrows. if not in the base game, who knows, maybe with enough requests they'll make a DLC with bows

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I'm still waiting for the mod, (Strength 9 or 10 maybe) that lets me rip off an old car door and use it as a riot shield with dynamically and graphically integrated durability. Hell if the COD series can do it I am sure that we can.


Also a much smarter pressure release system regarding throwing weapons this time around would be great. Add perk for long range throwing and you've got knife sniping that requires some skill with force feedback that will be applicable with a mouse.

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Yeah, bows seem pretty popular for this type of genre ever since Hunger Games and Last of Us. Hopefully Bethesda took notice and included them. Its not like bows would be a new thing for them. Oh, and shields. I'd love to see raiders and the like using makeshift stop sign shields and stuff with one handed melee weapons, or even one handed guns. The riot shield has become a staple for the shooter genre so makeshift shields wouldn't feel out of place.


The Vault Tec guy that comes to your door uses the shield animation from Skyrim.

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