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Pete Hines on mods


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Link to shot of tweets here.


Seems ominous, could mean nothing. Certainly not getting a good vibe from the snarky 'If it's okay with you" retort.


"Our plan is to use Bethesda.net"

Yeah... this sounds really bad already. There's no reason for them to not use the workshop since it's probably the easiest and most efficient way for a lot of people to install and update mods.

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When using 4chan images as posts, much context do you miss: https://twitter.com/DCDeacon/status/657910391507415040


The response was directed at a guy who was obviously trying to imply Bethesda would snub Nexus and block other 3rd party sites. The whole "trust us" thing stems from that and has nothing at all to do with whatever the person who snapped that pic was trying to make it look like.


Also, I strongly suspect past history with the user he was responding to. So perhaps the snarky tone was entirely warranted.


It's not like we all didn't know they plan to run official mod hosting from Bethesda.net instead of Steam Workshop. Todd told us that at E3. Why is this news?

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Pretty much this.


The whole paid mod fiasco with Steam and Skyrim told them that trying to handle something like that through a site where they had no direct was only a recipe for disaster. Having something like this handled through their own site gives them greater control and will also let them connect it with the Xbone modding situation.


I don't think they have any intention of trying to kill off 3rd party mods any time soon. This is what has been selling their games for years and would almost definitely cause some serious backlash if they tried.

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I don't know why paid mods is being brought up, every time they announced mods will be available regardless the platform they did say "for free" and even emphasized it at E3 and in several interviews.


As for Bethesda.net and Steam Workshop, I would expect them to drop Steam Workshop because that costs them money to run and they will also need to have a host for console mods. Logically it is cheaper to host their own servers and not use Steam this time around. From a business standpoint it is a better financial decision to run one official host than it is to pay for two or three.


I don't see any issues with Nexus hosting PC mods, considering Bethesda is most likely aware the mod page is up and would've told Robin before that FO4 mods would not be allowed to be hosted on third party websites. It is fear mongering and nothing more.

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The move to Bethesda dot net is probably necessitated by the introduction of console modding and all the 3rd party legalese that brings to the table. I doubt it will have a negative impact on PC modding, and there has been no, zero, zilch indication Beth wants to shut down every other mod site. The only scenario in which places like Nexus may lose out is if the new hub starts attracting more modders, for whatever reasons.


Personally, I'm delighted as I've been wanting another mod site to frequent (alongside Nexus, of course :P ) with the same levels of moderation and good content we get here. Let's see how it turns out.

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When using 4chan images as posts, much context do you miss: https://twitter.com/DCDeacon/status/657910391507415040


The response was directed at a guy who was obviously trying to imply Bethesda would snub Nexus and block other 3rd party sites. The whole "trust us" thing stems from that and has nothing at all to do with whatever the person who snapped that pic was trying to make it look like.


Also, I strongly suspect past history with the user he was responding to. So perhaps the snarky tone was entirely warranted.


It's not like we all didn't know they plan to run official mod hosting from Bethesda.net instead of Steam Workshop. Todd told us that at E3. Why is this news?


Chicken Littles gonna Chicken Little.

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People who demand that every little detail of the rules be posted in writing are usually those looking for the loopholes in those rules so they can abuse them. By being a bit vague, they give themselves wiggle room, and give us some wiggle room as well. The rules will be tightened if and when they see where the abusers are going.

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