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Pete Hines on mods


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The paid mods fiasco has left a real lack of trust, not so much the paid mods but the way it was sneaked out. It would help if someone at Bethesda would give a straight answer to some of these questions, the game is finished, they must know by now how modding is going to be implemented, it's no good Hines telling people to trust them because many don't.


As for paid modding, I don't see it coming back any time soon, Todd Howard isn't a person who's overly familiar with the truth but even he wouldn't stand in front of a large crowd at E3 and say mods will be free when they won't.

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I am a huge fan of mods, and we all know what some of the first ones that are going to come out are. Graphics, skins, and later on different fandoms. I love Fallout Who, and it is the mod that I ever got for Fallout 3, and now I couldn't imagine these games without mods. How ever, Bethesda has already announced that the mods containing nudity and trade marked licenses, such as many of the skins and the mods like Fallout Who, will not be allowed to port onto console, due to liability reasons. Now, with this being said, I doubt they will host these mods on Bethesda.net, and I may be completely wrong, but they will probably be allowing this on third party sites, because... you can't really stop it, if they even tried well huge backlash out from all of us.

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^This to be honest.

If console owners expect to have the same ease of modding access as Pc owners they are being very nieve. That said modding can exist even when it's de-legitimized or simply ignored. I'm wondering how long it will take for the modding tools needed for Fallout 4 to become available here. I'm guessing not long.

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How would you hold up to millions of whiny babies crying at you all the time? :smile:

Not well to be honest and in that sense I can understand his position a lot of the time. Other times though Bethesda has legimitatly failed to do something and he'll refuse to say anything or attack people who bring it up. Granted I know he's probably not allowed to talk about on going problems but again it's his attitude I have a problem with. He just seems to have an utter disregard for players. IDK as a PC player I'm getting fed being treated as a 2nd class gamer or relying on modders to fix what developers mucked up.

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@LeonWolfe23, The no nudity and trademarked is specifically for Consoles and Bethesda.net. They cant really stop third party sites for not caring what the games rating is supposed to be and if the trademarked assets are legally ported like Witcher stuff is well that's between the mod author, host site, and CD Projekt Red. They just don't want them on their site is all to protect themselves and maintain the games rating.


damn still cant quote lol.

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How would you hold up to millions of whiny babies crying at you all the time? :smile:


Quite well if I was getting paid to do it and the question about the Nexus was a legitimate one, he wasn't whining. Yeah people are rude to him but people do tend to get pissy when trying to get information from someone who refuses to give a straight answer, a simple "I'm sorry, I can't tell you" would do. He's dealing with paying customers, most companies would fire anyone who spoke to customers the way he does.

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He's dealing with paying customers, most companies would fire anyone who spoke to customers the way he does.


Big difference between some poor entry-level chump who works a customer support line, and someone who is paid primarily to deal with professional press. Just because someone has a twitter account and works for a company shouldn't mean that they should be pandering to the lowest denominator. That is what their customer support staff, and official channels are for. While yes, you have to accept some things by your name being known and out in the public s*** show that is Twitter, that doesn't mean you should just sit there and take everything thrown at you with a smile. Him being snippy towards the thousands of people who can't be bothered to wait or google things is perfectly understandable, and acceptable in my opinion. By letting people continuously harass you without being answered to, you are only giving them permission to continue.


Arguably this is why customer support in the US has been allowed to degrade to the point where there are literally people who sit in a tiny cubical for 10 hours a day for people to swear at them day after day, and is stuck having to take it till they eventually go crazy. Companies have become so afraid of offending people that they allow this to happen. And offensive people know it and exploit it.


Honestly, what did these people hope to accomplish with their questioning. He can't actually tell them anything that isn't already reported on elsewhere. Do they really think that they are special snowflakes that. just because they might possibly spend money, they should be given special treatment and information. Have they even considered that many of the things being asked probably aren't even decided upon internally since Bethesda has really only had a finished game as of October, has been spending the last month working out details for printing and shipping, sharing information with press, throwing a pointless launch party in LA, and hopefully shoring up things before launch.


Rather than get upset at the actions of a human, we should instead be collectively questioning the whole premise of the videogame hype machine that exists currently. We should be harping on companies who aren't up front with customers about what they're buying. We should be critical of their attempts to drive interest and hype just for the sake of more sales.

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