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Rebinding 'Take' and 'Transfer'


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For whatever reason you're able to rebind the standard activation key but this doesn't apply to actually looting anything. I've used the old Beth controls of spacebar for activate, E for jump for ages now but the new looting system throws me off a lot.


Anyone had any luck finding where keybinds are actually stored? Or better yet a way to rebind the loot popup's take and transfer keys?

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bindings are a mess... sadly

i guess the config file is in the interface.ba2 archive.


If it is, it's really well hidden. The interface coding appears to be split between hardcoded flash files for each menu and the abbreviated controlmap in the key binds menu.


Some commands are duplicated in some menus (E and enter) and yet they also do discrete separate things in other menus.


The UI is completely phoned in.

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If it is, it's really well hidden.



yeah: I didnt found anything...

However with AutoHotKey (http://www.autohotkey.com/)

I have been able to do a complete rebind without issue




this is working like this (since I like to play with arrows)



#SingleInstance Force
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 99999
#IfWinActive ahk_class Fallout4
With this, all binding are propagated to everything.
Edited by mcguffin
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It is kinda sad that you can totally feel what parts are designed bound to controllers... like all of the bits on the arrow keys being d-pad, which is annoying because the arrow keys are so inconvenient.

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