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TES V: what do you want to see?


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"Ultimately, you'll always roleplay the same thing. It doesn't matter how many different guilds there are, you'll still be the same person as everyone else. Just look at Morrowind. That game had more guilds, and more choices, but you were still the Nerevarine. It doesn't matter if you were also in the Imperial Legion, or the Thieves Guild; you were still the Nerevarine. That's exactly how it'll be in TES V." - so sayeth Ninja_Lord, praise be.


And, if you're asking me, that is the exact reason TES 5 will be lousy.


Why would It be a problem to make more freedom of choice. Like you're not the champion of Cyrodiil, but you may BECOME the champion of Cyrodiil. You don't have to be able to become a farmer, but have at least two choices in everything. Like you CAN join the Myhtic Dawn or the Imperials, but you can still choose nothing and make your own life. Why do you allways have to be the champion of everything? Why do you allways have to be the savior instead of the saved? Why do you always start as a prisoner that is part of a prophecy, or whose face the emperor saw in his dream? It does not make sense to me. It would be good if you start as a normal person who can become a good hero, an evil jerk, or just stay a normal person.


What I'd REALLY like would be the option to raise a rebellion and take over the empire, install any political system that you want and rule the empire as you wish.

The ability to fight the Imperials in the main quest would be good would be good.


And finally, cancel the whole leveling thing.


Enough about that, what do you think would make a good main quest?

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"Actually, my speculation is that after the events of TES IV, the provinces will rebel. If TES V doesn't take place on Akavir, it will likely deal with that war...maybe Tosh Raka will take that opportunity to invade Tamriel...hmm..." - I found this post waay back on page 4.


I think that would be really, REALLY cool! Just cut out the whole Akavir stuff and make TES V allow you to walk all of Tamriel. Then you could choose will you help the rebels or the imperials. If the Akaviri invade, it would be cool if you could work for them as well. BUT one VERY important thing! If Bethesda forces you to help the imperials AGAIN, I swear that I'll shoot them!


Bah, I hate Imperials! :verymad:

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I would really like to see these things.


Knocking others out (in the thieves guild, killing is BAD)


PETS... listen Bethesda P-E-T-S who doesnt want to have a tiger to kill the guards... I mean evil people... :whistling:


Fatalites- *cough*cough* deadly reflex*cough* Excuse me... :biggrin:


And better sneak attacks... so my little dagger, and my master sneak only gets me... 5X MULTIPLIER SON OF A :mage:


And of course... the ability to rob people... like highwaymen. An the ability to fast talk your way out of that little scuffle... :thumbsup:


Last and not least... Entering through windows, okay the Gray Fox robs from the rich... and leaves from the front door :wallbash:


If Bethesda actually cared they would have already done all that.... but they're rich... :wink:

Thats all... :confused:


-Untruthfully yours, The GrandMastaThief... what, give you my stolen goods....why would I steal anything? :whistling:

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And of course... the ability to rob people... like highwaymen. An the ability to fast talk your way out of that little scuffle...


I would like to see that in TES 5.


I would also want to see barbarians, it would be great if you could join them too. Then you could have a hideout in the mountains with lots of mead, so you could go and celebrate after a successfull raid.


Knocking people out would be good, just it would suck if they would wake up like 1 minute after you knocked them out.


It would be good if the guards actually investigated crimes that happen in the city. Then they could interrogate you or ask you about the victim.


You could sell stolen goods to merchants, but then if the city guard found out that the merchant has theese goods, they ask him where did he get them. If you're still in town when they find out where did he get them, you get a bounty, if you are out of town, or were wearing a disguise when you were selling the goods, nothing happens.


If you get arrested and go to jail, you don't just click on the bed and serve your scentence, but you have to survive every single day in prison.

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If you get arrested and go to jail, you don't just click on the bed and serve your scentence, but you have to survive every single day in prison.

Oooh, now there's some fun, sitting around, doing nothing for hours! Maybe I can watch a movie while I'm in 'playing'!

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PETS... listen Bethesda P-E-T-S who doesnt want to have a tiger to kill the guards... I mean evil people... whistling.gif


Cheydinhal Pet Shop


And of course... the ability to rob people... like highwaymen. An the ability to fast talk your way out of that little scuffle... thumbsup.gif


Go to sneak mode and then press Active to rob them ... and RUN! :biggrin:

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Oooh, now there's some fun, sitting around, doing nothing for hours! Maybe I can watch a movie while I'm in 'playing'!


You don't just sit there and wait, you have stuff like in real prisons, roll calls, meals, or you get some other inmates mad and they want to kill you, or you pay the guard captain for certain privileges, like bigger meals, and maybe a better bed?


And you can't only escape through the front door, you can dig a tunnel, or make a more complicated escape plan where the other prisoners help you.



Go to sneak mode and then press Active to rob them ... and RUN!


That's robbing people like a pickpocket, not a highwayman. Highwaymen stand on the road and force the people to pay them if they want to pass by them alive.

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Well, a Master of Alchemy can create a Damage Fatigue potion strong enough to overcome natural Fatigue regeneration and actually lower a victim's Fatigue while standing. Of course, they'll fight back, which lowers it even further, and even a novice Hand-to-Hand robber will be able to knock the victim out while the poison is in effect.


Once they're down, you can pickpocket anything they have idling in their inventory. Just like pickpocketing, but 100% effective and much more cruel in nature. Then run. They'll wake up eventually.


No mods, no console. That's vanillia Oblivion gameplay.

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Well A thief doesnt usually focus on Alchemy he focuses on stealing stuff. I mean I have a fare share of master alchemist characters... but still. What I really would like to see in TES V would have course to be able to show my vampire fangs to rich folk and guards alike to scare them away so I could rob them blind while they faint to the floor. Also why did I, the freelance thief have to be forced to join a wimpy thieves guild just to get some dang fence. I also did not like that stealth was a prelude to combat in TES IV. Why not just be able to avoid force, and violence completley? Combat avoidence should be featured in TES V. Some characters are not big bulky heavy armor wearing Warriors decked out with the "Sword of Impalement" and the "Overpowered Totally Skull Cracking Shield of Pwnage" :P


And still... fatalites ;D

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