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TES V: what do you want to see?


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Oh, i just had an idea - teleport between cities of ALL Tamriel (or just the provinces closest) but without the option to go outside - wouldn't be so large work to do, besides the terrain is similar everywhere, but the towns are interestinger.
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Oh, i just had an idea - teleport between cities of ALL Tamriel (or just the provinces closest) but without the option to go outside - wouldn't be so large work to do, besides the terrain is similar everywhere, but the towns are interestinger.

Actually no, the terrain is only similar and boring in Cyrodiil. Black Marsh is...well..a large swamp. Elswyr (spelling?) is a forest with giant Redwood sized trees. Morrowind...well we've already seen it. Skyrim is a snow covered waste land. Saying the terrain of Tamriel is similar everywhere is like saying the terrain of Earth is similar everywhere, and we know that isn't true.

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I thought the Elswyyr was like, Desert type of landscape and Valenwood is the forest. But the idea of the city travel is good. Just like tribunal for morrowind, add the city without the land.
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Free plugins... :glare:

The audacity of making us PC users (who are used to lots of free goodness) PAY for little extras! The cheek!

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larsi_899's post deleted... seemed to be completely off-topic. Please pay attention to the subject of a thread before posting, thanks.
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Oblivion's great, but it lacks in some areas, so, here's a few of the many things that i'd like to see in TES V


a main quest that lets you to choose between good or evil


more guilds (Imperial Legion, Cammona Tong, Morag(sic?) Tong, Imperial Cult, Great Houses, others?)


ability to choose which guild you can join (Mages or Necromancers, Blackwood or Fighters)


horse combat




ability to toggle essential NPCs on or off


the need to eat and sleep, also toggle-able


multiplayer (free)




what would you like to see?


* You need to eat and sleep


* Harder Enemys




* Better Vampire skills


* More attributes(Staff,Short sword)


*Alt ending (good,evil,neutral)


*More things to do


*Become important things


*New Characters(evil ones)


*Raise your own son

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I've seen a lot of requests for child mods around, but I really doubt that's ever going to make it into a game out of the box. Too much sensationalistic press potential - "This is the game where you can kill babies! To arms!"



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I've seen a lot of requests for child mods around, but I really doubt that's ever going to make it into a game out of the box. Too much sensationalistic press potential - "This is the game where you can kill babies! To arms!"




heheh yeah but i would be cool to teach your own son the skill of assasin in the game :P

but you can at least have a wife now heh, but they ain't making food yet :/:P

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