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TES V: what do you want to see?


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IMHO should be like this:


-- New, even better and realistic graphic

-- Really balanced engine and also powerful one which allow you many things to do.

-- Construction Set - even better then now.

-- More realistic and action filled combats which looks better and better as your char is going stronger in skills and attributes. Different classes/races use different fighting techniques which can be visually seen.

-- Fixed level-up system which doesn't allow you to powerplay or use jail as you leveling machine.

-- Make use of all the skills.

-- make skills harder to develop like in 000 (oscuro-oblivion-overhaul)

-- make no difficulty option and if someone use cheat game automatically write somewhere that you're cheater., so with something like that we could actually compete for who has the best char,most beautiful one and so on :)

-- make character creation even better.

-- make more realistic conversations, good story, quests.

-- GIVE BACK SPEARS! throwing!! and I want to see DUAL-WIELD

--add need to eat,drink, cold,heat factor.


:) and now question,.


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What I'd like to see in TES V?


-A change of scenery, Valenwood or Elswyr would be nice.

- Bethesda not to focus too much on graphics, they done that with Oblivion and it took away from the game.

- Make it less mainstream, take it back to it's Morrowind RPG roots.

- Spears, throwing weapons, and some other old skills, weapons brought back.

- Keep the combat system that we have at the moment, it's one of my favorite things about Oblivion.

- Improve the selection of bows for archers like myself, maybe and new types of arrows as well.

- New spell affects, maybe bring back enchanting. Heck we might even see Jump and Levitate again! ;D

- Make the PC work stuff out for themselves, a less 'Hold your hand all the way' type of game.


Overall I would like to see a lot of Morrowind's old aspects appearing TES V.

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  • A hybrid combat style. Swings could miss, but the target takes damage to fatigue (and you get experience), reflecting their successfully taking evasive action.
  • Actions with a chance of failure. you could compromise magnitude for chance of success, for instance making lower quality potions, or using more magicka to cast a spell, or attempting smaller repairs.
  • Items with a specific number of uses. This might be flexible, so a skilled smith might get more out of a repair kit than a novice would, and similar. Possibly implement though perks.
  • Enchanted items recharge over time. The more incompletely charged items you have, the slower any particular item charges. Wielded weapons might also recharge (a point or so) when you hit something with them. A "Recharge Enchantments" spell might be good, too.
  • Cast when Used enchantments. Restrict Touch and Target to gloves, gauntlets, rings, and maybe helms and amulets. This should take as much timeas casting a normal spell.
  • Gauntlets and gloves treated as weapons when unarmed, with the option of Cast when Strikes enchantments.
  • Enchantability based on item capacity, not soul strength. Makes no sense for a beggar's shirt to be as good as a Daedric Cuirass for enchanting. Number of different effects might depend on soul size.
  • Different souls should be better for different things. A Fire Atronach soul should be better than a generic soul for fire-based (damage and shield, mainly) effect, and might be worse for frost-based ones. Maybe have a 'bonus' effect that gets added to enchantments that use a given critter's soul.
  • Fast-travel from cities (and certain locations such as inns, settlements, and, perhaps, 'bus stops' on main roads) only. Possibly allow drop-offs anywhere along major roads, or maybe just at crossroads and points of interest. Bring back Mark, Recall, and Intervention.
  • Experience based on effectiveness. Flare shouldn't give the same XP as Flame Tempest.
  • Real AI, not just clockwork automata. HOWEVER, NPCs shouldn't get themselves randomly killed.

  • Ability to create/add new skills, weapon types, animations, etc. in the CS

  • Only important characters should have voice-acting
    OR Include a text-to-speech engine with accents for each race, a decent markup language, the ability to generate files in place (or possibly realtime), and possibly modifiers for class and attribute levels.

  • Factions with mutually exclusive membership, and possibly opposing questlines. Also, reasonable addvancement requirements.
  • An evil(ish) alternative to the main quest
    with the same end result but a far different path.

  • Similar, for some misc. quests.
    This might be as simple as having an appropriate motivator for evil characters. For instance, where the good motivation is "Save them because it's the right thing to do! And I'll pay you.", the evil motivation might be "Save them, and the evidence of <HORRIBLE TRANSGRESSION> will go away."

  • Finally, bring back Galerion's dream.
    Custom spells and enchantments for anyone who can afford them, not just those deemed 'competent'.
  • Edit+: Major skills should be able to advance past 100 (125 would be a good max), and there should be an extremely powerful perk, unique to each skill, available at that level.

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Oblivion's great, but it lacks in some areas, so, here's a few of the many things that i'd like to see in TES V


horse combat


the need to eat and sleep, also toggle-able

multiplayer (free)


These are all important... though I suspect TES will be one of the bastions of single-player for a long time... TES just don't have the setup/experience to make multi-player work.


But for me, the most important thing would be a cleaned up and improved game engine. I'm not talking about the graphics or physics engines, but the game mechanics stuff. After doing battle with reverse engineering Oblivion fatigue settings for a mod, I've come to the conclusion that Bethesda produced a fairly messy engine that they failed to even tweak well... huge chunks of functionality were just turned off by setting things to 0. Whole chunks of game potential were just turned off... for example burden and fatigue attacks/restores are useless because encumbrance and fatigue have nearly zero impact.


The Oblivion game engine is both overly complicated, and under featured. Things like Athletic fatigue perks that kick in at discrete "Expert" levels add complexity for little gain. Arbitary thresholds and limits are balls... continuous functions are the answer. Also, many game mechanics benefit from non-linear functions... x^2 is your friend.


Most game mechanics can be reduced to a formula to produce a result from a combination of a level of skill vs a degree of difficulty. A simple generic game engine really only needs one non-linear function with tweakable constants to model just about everything... inventing special formulas for everything just means you invent complicated new limitations and bugs.

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horse combat


the need to eat and sleep, also toggle-able

I doubt multiplayer will be any good. If there's going to be a multiplayer TES game, I think it will be a separate game (Like TES Adventures) instead of an Oblivion sequel, and focused on multiplayer.


And in case you want these features in Oblivion:


Multiplayer(Buggy and basic)

Horse combat(Coming up)


Eating and sleeping, 2, 3 (Well you can toggle it off by deactivating the mod)

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The biggest improvement I would like to see that hasn't been included in Morrowind or Oblivion is a strong emphasis on the moral and ethical development of your character with a basis for how your morals effect the world around you. Despite being a more open ended game than most, I still never get the sense that if I do evil acts, I must have consequences for them (aside from a stupid fine or jail). The same goes for doing good deeds.


The role of politics in Morrowind was astounding, particularly with the Great Houses, Imperial colonization and the living gods. This alone provided a sense to the PC that if you wanted to get anywhere in the world, you had to play by someone's rules and work against others. Where was this in Oblivion? Now that they have the console crowd sucked in, let's hope they have a bigger budget to create a culture.


I'm willing to bet that Mournhold and Vivec were both bigger than the Imperial City. I want to see some reworked scaling in terms of where you are. I had little sense that the Imperial City was any more important than say, Chorrol or Anvil.


More hotkeys, with the addition of locking the PC out of their inventory while in combat. Something seems oddly out of place in a game when you can call timeout while fighting a Minotaur Lord to put another poison on your blade or change spells. You should only be able to use what you have hotkeyed available to you in combat.


Let the gates open on the Radiant AI, seriously, as gamers we're not pushovers, forget voice acting, it was lame and added nothing to the realism of the game. The huge disappointment for me was I never felt anything towards anybody in the game. Whereas in Morrowind when I got praise for returning a noble's captive son to him I really felt like I had made a difference for that NPC; there was none of that in Oblivion. Having an NPC buy most of the ingredients from an alchemist to advance their own skills just before you decided to do business would add the feeling like something is actaully happening in the world; I'd rather see that and get pissed off because they won't get stocked for another 3 days than hear the same conversation for the 200th time.


Those of us who played any TES game before Oblivion knows that there need to be more skills and have appropriate attributes. Daggers require agility and speed to use, not strength.


The return of randomly generated names on enemy NPC's added a dimension to Morrowind that I didn't know was important until it wasn't in Oblivion. Bring it back; NPC's with names adds a sense of identity to the AI you kill. I could kill Bandits until I'm blue in the face, while Bethlas Hlaluu carrys some meaning.


Rehaul of the leveling lists. Difficulty of encounters should be based on random chance within a range of the player's level (i.e. they could encounter something at their level or 10 levels higher, but the range remains the same regardless of the player level so their will always be a challenge). Speaking of which, if you're a cave dwelling bandit who makes a living picking off people weaker than you, there's no reason for you to be wearing glass armor.


I thought most of the quests in Oblivion were rather imaginative and fun. If only the main storyline was the same. It at least needs to feel epic, even though Morrowind's was better they could still improve in this area a lot. Bethesda could try their hand at a series of smaller story arc's with various subplots, leaving the player to develop that strong moral and ethical sense of self I was talking about. The consequences, however, SHOULD be of epic proportions (butterfly effect sort of thing).


The ability to raise the alarm once your a guild leader and stage conlficts with other cities/guilds. I've always liked being able to recruit people to my cause and I would love to see this fullblown (or I could just go buy Medieval II).



Manipulation of Time (speed up, slow down, stop, time travel)

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A decent reputation system.

The one now just bans you from recieving blessings unless your bounties somewhat high.

It might affect disposition somewhat, I'unno, but id like there to be noticable problems if youre horrible.

Wahey an edit button.

Id also like to see each weapon having its own unique fighting style, a system of fighting that takes time and practice to master instead of strapping yourself up with the biggest heavist hammer/claymore you can find and grinding skulls into dust, a system where the lower quality weapons are easier to control, but the higher quality weapons become slightly harder to control.

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What should TESV have:


1. More dungeons with greater bosses, with story for every dungeon.


2. Better combat system, the combat in Oblivion is nice, but it will be even better if they can somehow implement PhysX engine.


3. Even more ingredients, weapons, armor, creatures. They can easily gather all the stuff they have in the previous TES games and put it in one game.


4. More races, mix of races, like imperial-khajiit, argonian-orc.


5. Even more quests to expand the gameplay.


6. Better graphics. With DirectX 10 or maybe 11. (Who knows when the game will be released).


7. More NPCs, animals, birds, colonies of insects.


8. Bigger world with more stuff in it.


9. Releasing more expansions, with a transport portal, that way it would not conflict with any mods.


10. More factions. Daedra lovers vs. Nine lovers. Imperial Guard vs. Thieves Guild and such things.


11. A world that people will start from. Like Cyrodiil. It is an international place, even for thieves, noble characters, assassins. Possibly not like Morrowind because it will make people to concentrate in same things.


12. A humanoid world that would have portals to Oblivion, SI, other worlds.


I think that is all that is needed for the next game in TES serial.

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Id also like to see each weapon having its own unique fighting style, a system of fighting that takes time and practice to master instead of strapping yourself up with the biggest heavist hammer/claymore you can find and grinding skulls into dust, a system where the lower quality weapons are easier to control, but the higher quality weapons become slightly harder to control.


With that, also, balancing the damage more evenly across the board. I hated knowing that if I wanted to be a great melee fighter, I was basically limited to Daedric or Ebony. I loved the look of steel, but at high levels it just wasn't effective enough. And thieves don't really need anything beyond leather. That really doesn't work at level 30 under this system.

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