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TES V: what do you want to see?


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TES V should be the New Empire invading Akavir. Some parts of Akavir have already been occupied by the Legion. All of the old familiar races and all the new Akaviri races are involved. The gods of Tamriel and the gods of Akavir are also at war. The player can choose to play a character from any of the races.


Choose Imperial alignment and help conquer Akavir. Command the Blades, the Priests of The Nine, Militant, or the Guild Mercenaries.


Choose Akaviri alignment and help drive the Legion back into the sea. Head several of the new continent's factions.


Of course, you could also choose to betray your side or plot against everyone. If even the winners are almost destroyed, you can start your own kingdom!

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I think it needs more realistic combat.Like a hit to the head is guarantee kill.

Maybe, but what's the point in having weapon skills then? The more realistic you make combat, the less RPG-friendly it is...

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I think it needs more realistic combat.Like a hit to the head is guarantee kill.


I would prefer to do more damage instead of insta-kill, as well as the ability to limp an opponent by hitting the legs/arms.

In other words, a realistic damage-system.

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1- m'qiq or whatever his name is is a vulking must in TES V! He's the best char ever. A living legend

2-A revolutionry AI! The AI is good but it could be a lot better , Just like some dude said ''If i saw a guy in a black robe with a big hammer i wouldn't run up to him naked and ask if a man could have some privacy.Also That if a guard sees a crime commited by a npc they wouldn't just kill him because he stole some peanuts , They would act like real guards and take his clothes and gold.

3- RIOTS! BIG FAT CUNTvulkING RIOTS! Like if a npc has taken to many bears he start to gathger his drunk friends and goes on a killing spree.Or mabie that bandits try to capture the city once a week.

4-More voice acting. Or at least a little bit more.

5-More life! Kids playing hide and seek and a lot more npcs.

6-A lot better attack damage stuff system , Cause i dislike shooting 10 arrows straight through a guards head and he keeps telling me to pay the fine.

7-More varianty. Like deserts etc...

8-You can bribe corrupt counts/guards...Hopyfully emperors... :rolleyes:

9-A better CS.

10-A lot more way to make money rather then going into 10 level deep caves and kill giants.(Maybie running a shop or being prostiture :happy:

11-I want the ability to bite people's ears off , Stab them in the chest/back/Head/Ehh what the heck PENIS !

12-Big vulking bosses , Not a little dwarf being super strong just because of his title.(Dragon , huge creature etc.)

13-Extended capacity of NPCs in the same screen , I have like a super comp and it still screws up the FPS when i use some mods that adds a lot of NPCs.(I dont know if it's possible but if it were i think it would cost more but it's worth it , People can acctuly afford a few pounds more.

14-Please keep it offline or it will turn to an WOW

15-Like when you are a vampire i don't like that other vampires hate me and tries to kill me.

16-Forget some vulking main quest! Extend the AI functions and Side you can choose at smaller factions and let it be a 100 % Roleplay game.

17-Knife throwing and bettter sneak stuff (I stand right infront of an guard and he wont notcie me...Unrealistic)

18-Better runnign system!!!! I hate it when i run down some stairs and it looks like im flying!?!

19-A char nammed Poo-pee-poo-popido :happy:

20-Don't you think it's so vulking stupid that you are the head of the thieves guild,Fighters guild, Dark brotherhood, Mages guild and you are champion of cyrodiil... :glare: Don't have it that way again.

21-Being drunk , People being drunk.

22-DARK BROTHER HOOD AND THIEVES GUILD (ofc not exaktly thoose guilds but there will be something like that in TES V ) Do illegal stuff , Like murdering people , Doing burglarys.

23-More pilgrimming.

24-Sleep,thirst and eat stuff is a must.

25-Pleeeeease i don't want to start off as a prisoner again , It feels like a zelda game (It's like exaktly the same thing but in different ways if you know what i mean...)

26-Like if a murder a person like a inoocent dude i want the guards to investigate and putting out bounty on the murderer.

27-Werewolfs !!!!!!

28-Easier cheat codes like , If i want a steal hammer i don't need to type in something like 345ui934b5394 i just type in steal hammer :rolleyes: (Cheat ruins the game like vulk anyways but yeah...)

29-Transportations deliviries (Cant spell rofl) , Like that merchants wares just don't come up from nowhere ,Some dudes acctuly transport them to the merchant (Would kick ass)

30-More criminal posters and so on...

31-You can infect npcs with vampirism so they go around at nights and feed on people :happy:

32-If i cut a dude in the head twice with sharp sword i don't want small drops of blood , I want a vulking flood of it bursting out.

33-Pleaaase keep it at the same time as in oblivion (i mean in tecnologity) because i don't want this to become another GTA kind of game

34-Werewolf and vampirism hunters pilgrimming and looking around in inns after what they seek (Vampires and werewolfs DAH!)

35-That a npc can move from like cities . (Revolutionary AI)

36-Don't be a such important person! I hate being the head of every guild in cyrodiil.

37-i want a speciall weapon called mega-super-death machine that can enslave the human race :happy:

38-Big wars! Like ... BIG WARS!

39-That you can become a real bandit and hijacker that have the options to recruit and plan ambushes on NPCs walking lonely or with guards on the roads.

40-Creating your own guild, Like build a little camp of road and recruit guys.

41- Events! Like some kind of christmast stuff (Not christmast but something).

Now that's all suggestions for now , Remember their only SuGGEstIONs !

General TES V:

I have no idea where the game will take place but i think it ''MIGHT'' be in the abecean sea, Nobody has ever though of it but there's no really clue in game but why not? ... Would be cool with a lot of different islands. But really I'd LOVE to see akaviri! Yes argonians etc isn't knows to exist there but what about you arriving as an explorer team!? That would be freaking vulking cool.

If there are big cities i'd like to see some vulking guards on the freaking walls! But also maybie summerset island would be cool, Then i wonder what will happened with cyrodiil without emperor? Hmm... :ph34r:

And guys i don't think bethesda left some submissional messege about where TES V would take place.

Change the ways of dungouns . When i played oblivion the ifrst time in my life i explored every possible dungoun but after 1 day i realiced...They all look exaktly the same.

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I'm actually hoping that TES V will be set in both Elsweyr and Black Marsh, operating with a sort of Cyrodiil/Shivering Isles link (eg. you can fast travel to anywhere in the province/world you're currently in, but you can't fast travel between them). It would satisfy people who want to see more variation in the setting, Elsweyr is a desert and if you want to know just how bad of a swamp Black Marsh is, go to UESP and have a read of 'The Argonian Account'. It'll also allow the story to focus on the two beast races, the Khajiit and Argonians. Anyway, that's just my thoughts on the setting.
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