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TES V: what do you want to see?


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Akavir is NOT in Tamriel, it is another part of Nirn.

Hmm...strange. I guess you're right. I don't see it anywhere...link



Also, I actually do think now that there is reason to believe akavir will be involved. Apparently, the ruler of Ka Po' Tun, Tash Raka, Plans to invade Tamriel once he has wiped out the snake-people of Tsaesci...I don't think it will take place in akavir, but the shance of them being involved seems quite high.

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The ability to go to any city in Tamriel, fight on horses, more npc and enemys.


Actually, you could visit the entire Tamriel in The Elderscrolls: Arena. Problem was that most of it was pre-generated.


I would like to see a better storyline where your actions have a consequence and you may finish the main quest differently depending on your morality and past actions. BethSoft can learn from Bioware.

I agree games like SW Kotor had great storylines untill ruinded by Obsidian with sw kotor2. But going past TES V to lets say the last elderscroll where technology of games will be great I would also like to travel all of Nirn in a huge (and great) storylined :excl: :P

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I agree games like SW Kotor had great storylines untill ruinded by Obsidian with sw kotor2. But going past TES V to lets say the last elderscroll where technology of games will be great I would also like to travel all of Nirn in a huge (and great) storylined :excl: :P

That would be nice, but probably impossible. Bethesda tries to stay at the top of graphics, AI, scripting, etc., and technology will NEVER stop growing; so, even hundeds of years from now, TES XLII (42) would still lag.

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That would be nice, but probably impossible. Bethesda tries to stay at the top of graphics, AI, scripting, etc., and technology will NEVER stop growing; so, even hundeds of years from now, TES XLII (42) would still lag.

Yeah, just kill my fun :glare:

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my main attraction ... is [Cthulhu] ... worship.

Yes...YES! Bow down to Cthulhu! Worship Him and you will be spared! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!


Yes, I agree with you, Oblivion is too boring. I'd like to see that changed in TES V.

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