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TES V: what do you want to see?


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They tried that in Daggerfall...it did not end well. Essentially, they had to somehow explain how every single ending could happen at the same time when they made Morrowind.

The more intelligent (and commonly used) way of solving that is to pick a single "sponsored" ending and carry on from that one.


That's how Lucas Arts handles the Light Side/Dark Side endings in the various Star Wars games. They pick one (usually Light), and call it the "canon" ending.

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That's also how the command and conquer series worked. You picked oen of two sides but for the storyline in the "sequel / prequel", one side did win over the other. Though I don't think it's nessessary in TES games.
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Random quickie: I've heard a rumor floating around the internet and I would like to squelch it where it stands. Could it be possible that Bethesda is in the works on an Elder Scrolls MMO? :glare:
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That may be good if they were to make one...

BLASPHEMER! A TES MMO would be a travesty! TES is a single player game, and any true fan would only play it as such. If you want MMO, there's the ever "popular" WoW, or the "free" Runescape.

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As usual Master Ninja Lord has already said it all. So ditto on his last two posts. This thread is getting very old, not only are people inadvertently repeating what someone else has said, but now we are getting some that are repeating what they have said. What a bore.
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I DON'T want to see a couple(or say three-four) of high level mobs or bandits make a tough fight for me when i'm at level 40+ . I can't feel my supremecy .

Leveling of mobs and equipment was okay in TES4 , but the balance wasn't . A Vampire lord or some skeleton hero with glass-ebony weapons or armor was okay , but the bandits in cave near cities with the same equipment - wasn't .

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