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TES V: what do you want to see?


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The most Important part of any game is the setting. So far every TES game has had a setting in Tamriel, and I dont know about you guys but Tamriel is starting to get a little old to me. I want to travil to a distant contenent that has never been seen. I want new and unique weapons. I want new abilitys. I want new role playing opertunitys. and most importantly, I want a better story line.
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tmx's post removed. Spam. Remember the rules and stick to them please, thanks. ;)


As for TES V... Valenwood. It's a vain hope but it's a place I've wanted to visit since I first heard of it. Apart from that I don't really think about TES V... nor will I be following its pre-release... nor will I have any hopes at all that it won't be another shallow, console-crowd worshipping bug-ridden money making scheme with just enough "RPG" thrown in to make it enjoyable... for a while. Bethesda is on a downhill slope, and once companies get into that corporate rut, they don't tend to pull out of it.


Now *clears away stormcloud* get back to fantasising. :P

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Remember the opening credits to oblivion? First you see the "IV" which is like 4, then it zooms out to be "OBLIVION." Think about it, "V" (5) and "VALENWOOD"

Wouldn't it have to be in the middle? That's probably why Oblivion is Oblivion and not Cyrodiil. I think it will be Akavir. 'V' is in the middle.

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I'd like to see a combination of Daggerfall and Morrowind, with a few things from Oblivion, like physics (But this time it shouldn't look like all the items are made of air!), being able to see what ingredients can be used together, better A.I. (Should be even better in TES V)... Stuff like that. The combat should be a bit more like Morrowind though, something in between would be nice.


But I don't think this is going to happen. I think we'll get something like Oblivion, but even more simplified and more action-orientated, and once again focusing more on pretty graphics than gameplay.

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It's not that 'radiant'. The '24 hour scheme' usually doesn't exist of more than eating twice a day, walking around the chapel or taverns a bit and go to sleep. If you take a look at the npc inside their house, they are often just standing somewhere, because there isn't an A.I. package running for that hour.


There isn't much variation in these packages either. If someone did something the one day, he'll probably do it again the day after. And the day after that. It's better than Morrowind's A.I., but it certainly isn't as smooth and realistic as they said it would be.


Conversations are crap too. Something I heard yesterday:


Mage 1: Ah Magister, I have something very important to tell you!

<3 second silence>

Mage 2: Good day.

<2 second silence>

Mage 1: Bye.



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Why thank you for expanding on my point.


Anyways, in my oppinion, they should just team up with maxis to do AI... am I the only person on this planet that sees that, although the sims itself is a very... ermm... boring "game", if you implemented the whole aspiration/needs thing into TES, it would pwn.


Scenario: Fighters Guild as one working body aspires to bring safety to the community, the Fighters Guild leader, however, has a personal aspiration of glory that outways the aspirations of the fighters guild, so when confronted with a choice, they favour the most self glorifying option... When the Guild finds out about this choice, the members (as part of the 'Guild body') start a mutiny. The leader is sacked, and a new one is found.


WOAH! What that? a significant event that wasnt scripted in a linear fashion. By which I mean, of course we will always have to script AI until they literally are artificial intelligence; but instead of scripting something to happen, merely script options... outcomes... that come about as a chain reaction of what the player has done. So, it doesnt seem the world revolves around the player, but technically our little Decision the Guild leader had to make was triggered by the player opting a certain choice that led to the proposal of a diffrent set of choices for a decision an NPC involved with the players initial choice, had to make... and eventually came to the Guild.


That would be Bethesda doing a great job of AI. However, If they really wanted to top it off, they would go to the effort of created a handful of EXTREMELY EXTENSIVELY created NPCs.. or sims... that is, other characters in the world that have a much more complex set needs and desires that work exactly like the chain reactions of the world, but inside that person only and affecting only that persons choices. Then you would have another factor in how events/choices occur other than the players decisions.


If you didnt understand that, dont worry yourself, I doubt I would have if someone else had said it. However, if you can read my jumbled messages... good for you :D

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But I don't think this is going to happen. I think we'll get something like Oblivion, but even more simplified and more action-orientated, and once again focusing more on pretty graphics than gameplay.

Yes, I'm sure TES will eventually degrade into an action/shooter type game with little plot. Maybe you'll be a soldier in the army during a long war. All you'll do is kill, kill, kill. ...of course you'd have to escape from jail first.


Bethesda obviously doesn't care about the player and just wants to rake in the cash. That can be seen with the half-hearted attempts at their "plug-ins" that they charge us money for. I probably wouldn't download them even if they paid me.

What I'm trying to say is, Bethesda wants money. IF they make actual artifical intelligence, they will be rich beyond their wildest dreams. Not only will their game be popular, but EVERYONE will come begging at their door step asking how they made real AI with fistfulls of cash.

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