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TES V: what do you want to see?


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I want to see the Dark Brotherhood mission where you're called in to settle the rather nasty divorce between Eilonwy and Orintur. Apparently their love isn't "the most important thing in all creation" and one or the other is seeking closure...


...extreme closure.

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First post here, hello everyone.


I would love to see the next TES game have more varied dungeon/cave design than Oblivion. My first 20 hours or so in, every cave, ruin, or fort I found I'd plunder. Now, 180+ hours in, I just ignore them. They are repetitive, and all nearly identical.


I know that "cookie cutter" dungeons are a fact of life for such a large game, but I would love to see a few large Zelda-esque dungeons. Unique looks and textures, traps not seen anywhere else, and maybe even a real boss fight at the end. If the game was still littered with lame caves and forts, but had 8 to 10 large unique dungeons I'd be happy.


RE: Gafgar

I sure hope not. I despise online play. Oblivion is my first TES game (I'm going to buy Morrowind this weekend), if the next game is mandatory online play I'd be forced to look elsewhere. I'd say that the lack of online play factored into my plunking down $50+ for Oblivion.

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I would love to see the next TES game have more varied dungeon/cave design than Oblivion. My first 20 hours or so in, every cave, ruin, or fort I found I'd plunder. Now, 180+ hours in, I just ignore them. They are repetitive, and all nearly identical.

Then I think you'll like Morrowind. There are more dungeon types, creatures are less levelled as in oblivion (If you meet a vampire at level 1, RUN OR DIE.) and many dungeons have unique items which aren't quest related which makes exploring useful and exciting. In Oblivion you know that at level one you're not going to find anything besides a few coins, potions and iron armor, and you know you'll be able to handle any monster that's in there.

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Then I think you'll like Morrowind.


I hope so. I didn't expect to love Oblivion, but now it's not just a game it's a major part of my daily life. I'm a little intimidated due to what I've heard about Morrowind - that it's more "in depth" (read : difficult) and all. I like how accessible Oblivion is - I hope it's not a huge jump in difficulty or I might be left cold.


As a huge Zelda fan I've found Oblivion to be everything Zelda should be at this point. I never thought I'd find a game that was so much better in every area - except the dungeon thing. I'm looking forward to grabbing Morrowind and having a whole new TES experience. Another 2 months of my life about to vanish!

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- I hope it's not a huge jump in difficulty or I might be left cold.

Prepare to be frozen. :P

No quest makers (;D) makes each quest a proper quest, ie. you've been told to go some where, but you only know its general location, so you go the city mentioned (usally there is one) and ask around...etc

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Well, i would like to see more vanilla companions.... But, for God's sake, don't turn it into Online! It would be just.... no. I like to relax while walking in a city not worrieing about a psyho which likes to make a mass riot and slaughter every single thing he sees in his way.

As you can see, i'm not very fond of WoW type of games. I never understanded the way you can complete quests O__o


.....Oh. Please make that NPC can pay off fines not the "you stealed a fork?! DIEEEEE!" thing. ^__^

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I'd prefer a leveling system that focuses on xp gained from monsters rather than this improving skill junk they have right now.

More voice actors, it would have been nice if every time I talked to a person and brought up rumors they spoke in the same generic voice as everyone else from their race/sex.

HL2 tier physics, just because they should be in every game.

Defenitly the option to be more evil than good.

Seemless online play would be awesome, it could always take place in Diablo esque servers, and the new Live accounts coming out for the PC would make this possible on the entire trifecta of counsels hosting TES5. Your char would have access to both single- and multiplayer, and mutliplayer could have servers with passwords you can set or you could make them public and set the name to the goal you're trying to accomplish in the specific server. The enemies could scale in strength depending on how many people you had in your group (not the levels of everyone). Doing this would also make turning off friendly fire a nessessity, given the frantic combat and powerful spells w/ splash damage.

Maybe quests and ruins specially made that can only be conquered through co-op? One player hits a remote switch which opens a gate for only a few seconds, allowing the other player to slip through the gate and hit a pressure switch which would open the door, allowing his accomplice to join him.

Then of course more races factions (maybe even after high enough fame /infamy is reached, making your own faction??) quests wan what not.

I also wished there were more uber items pre-placed around the environment that weren't quest related, would give a bit more incentive for dungeon-diving.

Also not these scalable mobs, maybe have all the monsters implemented from the beginning, but as you level the ratio of low:high leveled mobs starts to tip. This way even at lower levels you have the odd chance of running into a dungeon full of high leveled baddies.

Maybe a few more static bosses that generally stick to one place or some big mobs that fly all over the place from the beggining but you're only capable of killing by the end.

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I'd prefer a leveling system that focuses on xp gained from monsters rather than this improving skill junk they have right now.


No; too many games use this already. The skill system's fine as-is, as long as they bring back the unarmoured skill and polearms (this includes using staves as more than 'spell-rifles'). At the moment, Monk characters and the like are only useful with either a moded robe or by enchanting one with a shield spell which is only going to be about 8% (from an early Sigil Stone) or would need a decent skill in alteration and access to the Arcane University (a deep wallet and a Soul Trap spell would be helpful for this as well).


Oh, and they need to bring back dual-wielding as well, the current mods just don't cut it. Wagons would be good as well as somewhere to store your loot when you're on a long dungeon-delving trip, or for somewhere for companions to keep up ('Just sit in the back you lazy archer! Don't make me come back there! Hey; keep out of that, I locked it for a reason!'). And bring back throwing knives (not the throwing stars; I never really like throwing stars [not just in TES, but in anything])

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- I would like to sea that we can travel trough several provinces, for example from Elsweyr to Cyrodiil and Black March, with big changes in the landscape and culture between provinces.


- Furthermore I would like to see different apperances of weapons and armor. Now every Glass Helmet, Iron Longsword and Fur Cuirass look completely the same. The Fur Cuirass for example, is commonly worn by bandits. I don't think that all bandits wear armor wich looks the same. In the North it should be white, as you'll find more white fur. In the forests, however, it should be as it is now: brown, like deer fur.


- As I'm talking about weapons, visable damage would be nice. The longer you use a sword, the more 'cuts' it will have, when its health reaches zero, it will break in peaces.


- This is a rumer I've heard, and it probably won't be true, but the player might become the new ruler of Tamriel!


- More people on the roads between cities! It really gets lonely, only encountering bandits who don't like a little chat


- More real drinks, like wine, milk, etc.


- More stuff like skooma, fellmore and refined greenmote! I really like to storm into a dungeon while I'm on the greenmote, chopping everything down in my way...


- And of course, like most people want: more guilds

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