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Hey Modders,


I recently found myself fast-traveling like crazy between all my settlements to find

the specific item i was looking for in one of my workshops. I'd like a mod that removes

this awkward self-created fetch quest by synchronizing all of my workshop inventories

into one simple workshop. (god that sounded like a loan commercial)



I basically want to turn all workshops/workbenches into one of these: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Ender_Chest#Usage

so i can just use them as a bank from anywhere I can find one.

Edited by dasdasdasda
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There is a perk in the charisma tree that does this already

That makes little sense.


I suppose the best compromise would be something significantly difficult but attainable early that you can build that would link up storage.

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There is a perk in the charisma tree that does this already

That makes little sense.


I suppose the best compromise would be something significantly difficult but attainable early that you can build that would link up storage.



I found the perk you were talking about: Local Leader.


I disagree with the choice to make this a perk however, I think there that it should have just been that way from the beginning

since you get two just by following the early story quests.


The best compromise I think would be to make it an earlier perk if possible.

Edited by dasdasdasda
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  • 2 months later...

local leader does not provide this benefit,


Rank 1 : Allows you to create trade routes

Creating a trade route does the exact thing that is requested here. It connects the workshops of 2 settlements so all the items from both will show up in either one. Also, you don't have to connect all settlements to each other to gain the benefit. Example: If Sanctuary is connected to Red Rocket and Red Rocket is connected to Greygarden, Greygarden will in-turn be connected to Sanctuary as well. (without having to make another trade route)

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its not.


What OP asked is for example, he finds a spiffy legendary faceexploder of mighty ballbashing, and he deposits it into the workbench at graygarden, but he FORGOT where he was when he deposited it, then he had to spend the better part of a ingame week searching all workbenches for it.


What he is asking is a 'chest' that uses the 'resource pool' (IE does what trade route does for BUILDING, IE can deposit / withdraw from ANYWHERE a 'portable hole' box is built.


Its not apparently unless you actually try to WITHDRAW something from a 'trade linked' settlement. Go try it when u get a chance, go to any settlement u hardly visited and look at whats actually INSIDE the workbench(Don't go by the values you see when in build menu, actually go to the workbench and hit R to transfer, and look at whats at 'THAT' location)

Edited by AtmaDarkwolf
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