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Mods that everyone wants: mega list


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I think:


- more armours and equips for Dogmeat


- make said armours and equips affect Dogmeat's stats (like armour values, increased sneak etc)


- make companions undetectable while you're sneaking. Super annoying when they get detected.


-colour options for armour in armour-crafting.

Edited by harpwned11
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This is probably too specific but it doesn't sound very hard so... Anybody else is fond of the original Unreal Tournament anouncer?




I'd be hilarious and EXTREMELY awesome to have the UT anouncer comment about a headshot, killing spree or m-m-m-monster kill every once in a while. I've always thought it'd be the best thing to have that while in VATS being slo mo and all.


And how about a little Killer Instinct combo breaker for the Mysterious Stranger's appearence?


WWwwwwaaayyyy better than that bad piano they have now ppffff.


Here's a few more to throw in that IMO should be in every single video game.


Mortal Kombat II Toastie


https://youtu.be/ZLIWtXiWW68?t=2m30s 2:30 to 2:33 n https://youtu.be/ZLIWtXiWW68?t=2m41s 2:41 to 2:45 Street Fighter 2 turbo, good death sounds


That'd simply be the best mod ever created and would make it on top of every essentiel mod lists right?? <_< right? >_>

copyright says no and this wouldnt belong on the list in the first place.

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The lack of a Micro SMG in this game has really got me down. The closest thing I've found to one is the starter pistol as an automatic, but it just feels too much like pistol.


So, I'd like the request the return of the UZI such as the one for FNV by Millenia: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/48523/?


Also I'm super bummed out that there is no lever-action rifle in game, so in fond memory of Lincon's Repeater, Cowboy Repeaters and Trail Carbines.

I'd also like to request for some lever action rifle and lever-action shotgun mods. There are meny Henry and Winchester models to chose from.

Here's one I'd like to bring back from FNV: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/51586/?

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The lack of a Micro SMG in this game has really got me down. The closest thing I've found to one is the starter pistol as an automatic, but it just feels too much like pistol.


So, I'd like the request the return of the UZI such as the one for FNV by Millenia: http://www.nexusmods...as/mods/48523/?


Also I'm super bummed out that there is no lever-action rifle in game, so in fond memory of Lincon's Repeater, Cowboy Repeaters and Trail Carbines.

I'd also like to request for some lever action rifle and lever-action shotgun mods. There are meny Henry and Winchester models to chose from.

Here's one I'd like to bring back from FNV: http://www.nexusmods...as/mods/51586/?

none of these belong on this list.

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This is my idea in the thread I made

Some of you may know that some weapons dropped by enemies still have ammos in them, and to obtain them you need to take the weapon, and drop it unless you want to overencumber yourself really fast.


The process is tedious and here are few ideas to improve it with mods for those with more talent than I.


Idea 1: Simply have the ammo in the gun show up in loot screen of bodies, pretty self explanatory.

Idea 2: Automatically add the ammo to your inventory when you are in the loot screen. This is if idea 1 is too hard to implement

Idea 3:You automatically pick up ammo when you walk over enemy: Don't know how feasible this is, might be the hardest or easiest. I'm betting the hardest though.



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Can we get...

A mod to make it so that friendly allied missile turrets do not cause friendly fire damage

A mod that makes it so that minutemen quests are not timed, or even better, make it so that some quests(such as 'oh noez raiders are picking on me) simply never pop up if the settlement has a high enough defense rating, and furthermore if it's defense rating is high, any attacks on the settlement will automatically fail instead of everyone acting like you screwed up even though realistically you made said settlement more or less invincible

Another one would be one that makes it so you don't have to slowly walk through Kellog's memories

Edited by BeingShotAt
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More frequent Lightning and realistic thunder sounds. Sounds like Far, Medium, Close, Right Above you type thunder sounds. Also, with the frequent radiation Lightning, keep the rads the same as in game but just up the frequency to like every 2 seconds to make it Realistic to real Severe Storms in real life.

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