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Howdy all! I would love to collaborate on a few mods. I can model, texture, rig, animate, write some decently advanced scripts, have working knowledge of c++, and love to do environmental and level design. After playing the game for a good bit and after keeping up with the mod requests forums from the start, I've got a bunch of ideas ranging from simple and basic ports of popular old Skyrim mods, to more advanced and overhauls of current mechanics (see settlements).


Software wise I've got the full Adobe CS 5.5 suite and Maya 2015 for asset creation. I use Notepad++ for scripting.

Edited by Gunshot08
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  • 1 year later...

This thread was such a good idea, and it's sad to see that the last post was over a year ago. But I'm working on an overhaul mod for Fallout 4 since I have a lot of time on my hands these days, and I thought I'd see if anybody was still looking for some project work.


My project is an overhaul mod to make Fallout 4 much more like STALKER, which is an intense, difficult, and dark survival game.

I posted the details on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/5dmrbs/any_interest_in_a_stalker_mod_for_fallout_4/?st=iwqve939&sh=6ce19e96


Like with any overhaul, there's a ton of work to be done, but right now in the early stages, I'd like to start with releasing a faithful weapon pack, which means I need 3D modelers and animators. These weapons are mostly modern and European, like the AS Val and the VSS Vintores.


Later I'd like to release a mod that removes the leveling progression from the game and puts the progression more into the weapons, armors, and items that are acquired. I think gameplay changes like these can make the game refreshing and interesting.


Check out my full description in that reddit link or message me if you're interested.

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I think you'll get more interest if you describe in detail what your actual skillset is, what your experience level is (can you point to things you've already made?) and what you'll be bringing to the table other than ideas and leadership. Most folks on this site don't want to sign onto a project where they get to do all the work for someone else. Especially for the extremely ambitious potentially multiyear projects.

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I am just learning fo4edit lol.


Only reason I am posting here is I dont mind helping people test things. Was part of the growing settlements mod helping design the settlements and have recently been helping Hozsa testing his buildable sanctuary stuff and it got me thinking that while I am still learning the basics for making mods I am a thorough tester and can put just about anything to the test in most situations. Willing to test with mods I dont normally use as long as dont have to restore my pc to factory afterwards (kinda kidding but will try combos for bug report type things/attempt to recreate bugs). Not really worried about lessons (would be nice since starting to learn) or credit (nice but not needed), only giving back to the community that has helped me have more fun for the last few years.

Edited by ReaperTai
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I am always in need of testing on The Small addition, ReaperTai.


I'm not very hands on with people due to my work schedule and I'm not very lead'y (I do enough of that at work), but if you're willing to do testing, I can reciprocate by passing on any and all knowledge I have (if not quickly and when I can remember all the stuff I used to know) to help you progress on your own possible future stuff.

I wouldn't expect a lot of time or strict availability requirements (as I'm pretty iffy on my schedule also)...pretty much just any time at all someone willing and able could provide would be helpful. =)


What was the settlement stuff you were working on? Damanding's, Tarsis, m0dz1984, someone else?


Anywho, if you're interested (or anyone else is), throw a PM at me over the next few days.


P.S. The last update had some bigger inclusions, and the next 2 over the next month or so will be bigger also and soany testing will help greatly. The latest update has a lot of issues which I will work through as I can, but I'm sure there are lots of things wrong that I'm missing also.


P.S.P.S.. There is also an option to actual do some work with it, especially in the vein of quests since that's pretty new to me (haven't even learned enough there to forget what I've learned yet) and will be starting on that soon. Or, help working through the broken bits and new idea (not just my own) implementation as a way of learning.


Note: To reiterate this important point, due to my schedule, I'm not always quickly responsive or hands on.

I like self motivators and task hunters. =)

(I scare people off with those lines, I think)

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  • 2 months later...

Hello there


I go by Zim on the internet, and I happen to be looking for companions so to speak. I'm currently not fluent in any coding language, however I am willing to learn. I can come up with sketches and can develop pretty decent lore and ideas in general. Anyway I'm currently looking to form or join a modding team. Please take the time to consider me/ my offer and thank you for reading.

Please Email me at [email protected]

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