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-Mod Wishlist- (what would "you" like to see in f4 ?)


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I've played a bit more and 'I have a little list';


Whatever they have done with the movement to (guessing here) get round the turning on the spot without moving problem, you've failed! Epically.. loose it because it makes getting a suit of Power-armor up a ladder just silly


Confirm Trade? Yes For F*** Sakes thats why I moved it into my bloody inventory, Confirm dialogs begone! And four keys to do what we used to do with two...


Auto-Companion.. with no way of sending them home, their home. That needs fixing.


The weapons degradation is gone (Hooray!) and now the power armor appears to be made of recycled cardboard instead [facepalm]


Hmm, it's not such a little list now I think on it but on the plus side this plethora of low level niggles is fixable, some is already with mods and I've every confidence in the talented modders here to take on the rest.

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I'd like to see only a couple of small things because I'm a talentless flop trying to fiddle with anything:


1) The corset/Cait's outfit without the gloves on it (but the slot open so I could use something like Gloves of the Commonwealth for a different set of gloves). Although I *DO* believe I remember I saw (on Gloves of the Commonwealth page itself) that something like that isn't possible with the current tools, which makes this more wishful thinking for when we get to that point. :pinch:

2) A mod that just lets us build trees in settlements. I'm currently using SSEx, but I use it only for the trees so a few settlements can have a dash of life, and it's fairly pointless for myself to have all of the extra categories especially when we currently can't have too many being introduced by other mods.

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A cosmetic mod fixing all the boats/ships that are missing their controls.


Cosmetics be damned I want to see the boats working! The minutemen or someone setting up a brownwater navy - river patrol kind of thing. NPCs handling the boat who, if you ask them to take you somewhere might say 'we'd love to but we are a crewman short, perhaps you'd man the twin .50s on the bow?' Tell me that wouldn't be magic!


That would be one way to implement it, Getting into the forward gun mount position would lock the player's PoV to first-person and take care of much tricky anims. Probably starting with a set of fixed destinations and routes but..


Anyway, a job for the XRE vehicle gang?

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1. more weapons that fit in with any part of the lore.


2. all energy weapons using fusion core like mechanics rather than being just regular bullets.


3. Tesla cannon using a charging mechanic and fusion cores.


4. Damage threshold like in fallout 1 2 tactics and new vegas.


5. way to combine low power fusion cores together to save menu space.


6. assault rifle that doesnt look like a maxim machine gun


7. settler information tab in build mode, what they do and their current status


8. settler crafting stations where they produce items to be sold at the settlement traders and create gear for the other settlers.


9. better perk system


10. recharger weapons


11. paint options for all armors

Edited by demonocolips
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If the wounded corpse could like those in Wolfenstein The New Order, it would be nice. I mean it's quite high quality imao though most textures in the game are supper suck, I will call that the combination of 4096 and 512 imao lol.
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1. Darnified UI


2. A companion inventory menu section in the pipboy. That is, no finding the stupid companion just to see him make a step back in the moment you click on him. This could be dependent on the companion's physical distance from the player to add some realism/ avoid exploits.


3. Randomized stashes and loot locations for more interesting re-playability. Also, an overall lesser amount of stashes and loot locations. My idea is to use all existing stashes as a base and then fill something like a random 10% (maybe more) of these stashes with some random loot. Then also revise the LUCK ability and make it affect something connected to that. Maybe the amount of stuff per stash, or the total amount of stashes, or the probability of finding good gear in stashes.


4. Related to the previous point, letting Raiders and other enemies drop way less stuff; especially clothes. To me it really does not make sense that you can rip off anybody’s clothes just after you put holes in them or burned/incinerated them and can wear them, good as new. I just generally feel like getting good gear should be a constant struggle. This could also be affected by the LUCK ability or a luck-related perk.


5. Have Bullet Time instead of VATS (like the “Project Nevada” FNV mod). Revise all perks related to VATS and make them affect bullet time. For example Action Points should affect the duration of Bullet Time. I could also think of a perk that affects the slowness of Bullet Time.


6. In the beginning of the game the Sole Survivor should be starting with nothing but a 10mm Pistol, a handful of bullets (no more!) and some kind of primitive melee weapon. Vault 111 and Sanctuary should be empty and looted all out (except for some junk), so you are being forced to SURVIVE instead of owning the Commonwealth. 10mm Bullets should be rare as f***, especially in the areas around Sanctuary and Concord.


7. Revised Power Armor HUD. Seriously, yellow? And what's with the old school gauges? I am not a fan.


8. I would love to see companion command hotkeys. For example there should be a "stay" key that you can just hit and the companion will react no matter where they are, or maybe depending on the physical distance to the player to give it some realism. Same should go for other commands like "attack", "follow me", "come close", "keep some distance", "do not attack/ keep your weapon holstered", ... Of course the hotkeys should be completely customizable, just like any hotkey btw.


9. I always disliked the fact that you can fast-travel from and to anywhere; makes it just too easy to get out of hairy situations. I think I would prefer something like fixed fast travel locations from where you can activate this, which could be just the locations that are there already. Maybe with some limitations (like the glowing sea for example). My most favorite thing, though hard implement I suppose, would be if there were some random travelers around the Commonwealth, Just neutral NPCs like settlers, mobile traders and the like. Then you can interact with these guys and ask them where they are going, and they give you a limited set of locations to choose from and they bring you there. Of course this would have to go hand in hand with some changes to the spawning rate of these NPCs which makes it somewhat complicated. Also, I can imagine this maybe frustrating at times, given the vastness of the Commonwealth.


10. Bullet drop with distance and appropriate scopes to estimate the drop. Add some perks to the perception tree to ease target distance estimation and bullet drop estimation. For example one perk that displays an estimate of the scoped target’s distance with increasing accuracy based on perk level.

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Mods & tutorials to make it easier, not just easy, to get into using the creation kit.


Sexy with more than 1 cap or x unusable in a mod description


For the upcoming commercial aspect of modding as brought on by Beth to be sooner rather than later (get it over with)


More Lingerie mods


More odd ball weapons mods

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