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-Mod Wishlist- (what would "you" like to see in f4 ?)


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Armoury Chest - You and NPCs would be allowed to place and take weapons and armor from this chest. NPCs could use it to store weapons and armor from dead raiders within the settlements and replace their inferior equipment with better equipment if it's in the chest.

Job Board - Craft-able chalk board that would list all settlers and then have select-able jobs next to their names. Easy jobs would probably be farming and guarding since the game already sort of attempts to auto-assign those but it would be cool if they could be assigned to things like clean-up, scavenging, and supply lines. (I'm actually tempted to try to learn how to mod to get this one)

Come at me bro radio tower - Like the reverse of the recruitment tower but instead it instigates attacks on raids. I know why settlements aren't raided more often, I just wish there was an option to toggle raids on so some of my base defenses can actually get tested. My castle defenses are pretty awesome and it's never been attacked once even though I am using it to generate purified water for caps.

I'd also like to see more weapons and weapon customization, specifically melee weapons but that could just be me.

Edited by LKnives
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My Mod Wishlist is mostly (for now) concerned with Settlements.


1- Easy Settler Job Placement - An interface window or something than made issuing or changing jobs/positions to Settlers easier. Ive got Farmers Id lake to have concentrate on a specific food, but they all mix and match what they tend.


2- Settlement Cleanup - A Mod that had the Settlers actually clean up and fix up Settlements over time. They are always hammering away at stuff but nothing changes


3- Courteous Citizens- A simple Mod than had Settlers/Guards/ Provisioners that close the gates once they go through them.


4- Real Guards! - Settlers who can actually defend the Settlement if Im not there.


5- Bury Your Dead/Display Your Enemy - A Mod that gave you the Option to [bury] or [Display] dead bodies after a Settlement raid. Bury your dead Settlers in a graveyard or display your enemies outside your front gate (Crucified on telephone poles like the Legion does in FO:NV)

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My essential mod list:


Some were listed earlier or elsewhere, but are worth repeating.


1. STFU - disables companion speech while crafting. If Strong is anywhere in the area while I'm trying to craft weapons, he'll say something literally every two seconds. "One day, supermutants kill everything" was ominous and scary the first 50 times I heard it. Now, he's just a Chatty Cathy. He's the worst offender for me, but I suspect the others can be just as bad.


2. Companion Combat AI Selector - allows you to set companions' combat behavior to long range (sniping), medium range (cover and support), short range (run and gun) or melee. Use of explosives can be optional. Whatever, as long as Piper stops jumping off of the roof into radioactive muck to fire her pistol at crowds of ghouls who immediately swarm her.


3. Grenades Resurrected (aka, Holy Hand Grenades) - allows grenades to be used in VATS for a reasonable AP cost. Also allows hip firing of grenades with a single button tap.


4. Wait Anywhere - self explanatory.


5. More AP Info - adds "AP cost" (AP used for a single attack in VATS) and "AP damage" (damage done by a single attack in VATS, assuming all projectiles hit) to the weapon menu.


6. More Obvious Damage - provides enhanced audiovisual cues as player takes on more damage (e.g., increased screen blood, heart pounding, etc.). I shouldn't be surprised when I look down at my health bar and only see 20% remaining. There should be some immersive in-game cues to let me know I'm at death's door without having to check the HUD compulsively.


7. Universal Settlement Storage - makes any weapons, armor, junk, etc. stored in any friendly workstation available at all friendly workstations. Sure, you can do something like this with a high enough Charisma, the right perk, and enough settlers to establish trade routes. That's a giant pain in the butt, though, and the whole point of this mod is convenience.


8. Settlement Perks - adds perks related to establishing and maintaining thriving settlements. As far as I can tell, there's not much point to this part of the game, aside from knowing that you helped some nameless, randomly generated NPCs live better lives. There need to be some better incentives for settlement building.


9. Adjustable Enemy Level Scaling - allows the player to set the frequency and intensity of level scaling for randomly generated enemies above and below the character's level independently, in addition to establishing a floor for enemy levels. Want enemies below your level to still appear but not be comically easy to kill? This is what I'm talking about. If I'm level 30, I don't want to have to be distracted by anything below level 10. My relative god like powers make them little more than a nuisance, and it becomes immersion breaking.


10. Retexture Everything - Fallout 4 is a game full of gloriously lit, butt ugly textures. Improving on the vanilla textures should not be a high bar, and several mod authors have already done so. I wish them well in this endeavor.

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1. more classic Unique weapons (That gun , ect.)

2. companion commander (EZ companion was underrated but my fave)

3. gun nut 3 & 4 mods for pipe weapons.

4. settlement loud speaker that plays different radio stations and boosts happiness

5. craftspeople teleport grenades for different factions that TPs 3 - 5 members

6. through farther

7.faster wind up for the minigun

8. more armor sets (football helmet and pads, midevil plate armor, robotic assist armor, light & heavy versions of junk armor junk armor and steam punk)

9. paint and dye jobs for armor pieces

10. battle arena



11. auto assign open Posts

12. occupation rename for settlers

13. recon scope auto target (I want magic bullets)


A Robot Army! (Thanx The Talkie Toaster)

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I'd quite like to see a CBBE compatible muscular body mod with sweat.


Longer hair, with curls.


Jewelry (and more body slots to wear them on, if the current skeleton can support them).


High heeled boots.


Long dresses (and capes/cloaks?)


Power armour attachments/decorations (think Space Marines/armoured knights).




More tattoos.


Bow and arrow.


Shields (for power armour?)

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Weapon and Armour Supply Caravans


I'd like to be able to send a consignment of weapons and/or armour from one settlement to another.


I tend to use Sanctuary as my central supply depot, fast-travelling there to unload after a mission or scavenging run, so I have a large supply of weapons and armour there. However this means if I want to use this captured gear to equip the settlers at another settlement I have to lug them over there myself, which usually means a couple of trips in power armour.


But wait a moment - don't I already have a network of brahmin caravans transporting food and building supplies all over the Commonwealth? Why am I carrying this stuff myself? What the hell am I paying these people for!?


What I'd like to be able to do is take a bunch of weapons, armour or other gear stored in my workbench, and send them via my supply caravan network to a specific settlement. The menu to send settlers or companions to a specific settlement is already in the game, so would it be hard to adapt this to send a consignment of equipment instead?

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Wait without having to either sit down or lie down. When I'm planning on attacking a fortified bunch of super mutants, and I want to either wait until night time, or wait out some fog that's rolled in......it's ridiculous that if I can't find a place to sit or lie down that I can't wait.



So we either need a mod to allow waiting like in previous Fallout games, or a portable sleeping bag to enable waiting whenever you need to wait.


Please.....Let us WAIT.

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