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Make a follower always flee from battle.


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It would like to be able to use a follower purely for carrying items around. I hate it when they get involved in actual fighting, as it makes the battles too un-interactive and uninteresting for my battle-mage character. As such, I would like to be able to get them to always flee from battle. A character who acts in the exact way that I would like them to is found in this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34112/?. However, I would like to have access to other followers as well.


I tried using console commands on my followers, but even after entering the following console commands Lydia will still get involved in fights:

prid 000a2c94
player.setav aggression 0 
player.setav confidence 0
player.setav assistance 0

I tried using Amazing Follower Tweaks, but that just made Lydia stand next to the enemies and tank hits, while not hitting back. This meant that instead of being absent during combat she actually got in the way.


I am sure that a solution must exist. However, I have failed to find it to date.

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It a very easy CK tweak, want me to guide you?


I actually didn't know that such a tool exists until I googled it after reading your comment!. I'll attempt to figure it out and then post back with results.


Though of course I will always be grateful for help, in the scenario that you aren't too busy.

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At the moment, no. I suppose this means that Lydia is just glitched, as I have had trouble with her before, as she does not respond to the convenient horses mod. I'll try it with a different mod and post back with results. I think that when I began modding, I must have uninstalled Ultimate Follower Overhaul incorrectly.

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An update. The following code does not make my follower passive:

prid 000a2c94
player.setav aggression 0 
player.setav confidence 0
player.setav assistance 0

However, neither does the plugin. But, if I add enter the following code instead, I get the desired result of a passive follower:

prid 000a2c94
setav aggression 0 
setav confidence 0
setav assistance 0

Unless someone has a better suggestion, I am happy with this solution for now.

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