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Simple RP request - merge wedding rings


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I'm sure this'll have to wait until modding tools come out, but I'm really hoping someone'll turn the two wedding rings into a single item. Just duplicate the ring on the finger and make it a dual-ringed model instead. I refuse to sell them, but as Beth won't let us wear more than one ring at a time, it'd be nice to be able to have them "both" on at the same time.


My PC is hung up on his lost family, okay!? Jeez.



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I could see it as craftable apparel pretty easily. Two wedding rings and 1 unit adhesive.


I've not gone through the whole game though so two might be relevant. Plus it's sorta immersion to look at it and almost sell it to get ammo....then not.



If you died, then your husband didn't sell your ring to stay alive won't you be pissed?

I would rather my ring be used for something like buying med, useful gear, a house etc then kept to be dusty and useless just to look at it for what? 30 minutes a month?

Yet again I'm a practical kind of person.

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