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Music when playing MW


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Yeah, when I play Morrowind consecutive hours, there comes a time I get a bit tired of earing the same music themes, mostly the battle ones.


I wonder if you feel the same :ph34r:


So it was time to change and I imported to the music files folder some different music. Of course I had to make some experiences cuz not always a new music fits in the other existent musics, spoiling the environment in Morrowind.


So, look at my short selection I use today:


Non-battle themes:


- Forrest Gump O.S.T. Anthem - great!!!

- Beethoven - The Ruins of Athens


Battle themes:


- Wagner - The Ride of the Valkyries - if it goes well in Apocalypse Now, why shouldn't it in MW?


Themes that don't fit:


- rock, pop, rap, all that use drums.

- choral themes



Do you do the same? If you do, let me know what themes did you add

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That's an idea that I've thought about doing for some time.


I would use enigma and enya as my tunes and vangelis. To be honest, whilst the Morrowind music was well composed, it never really did much for me, other than alerting me to a nearby irate mudcrab.

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Actually, sometimes when starting Morrowind I can't be bothered turning off internet radio :lol:


Of course, this means having to turn down all the MW sound effects - and wandering around Molag Mar in a storm to the strains of Linkin Park when you can't hear the cliffracers approach adds a certain something to the experience....

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I turned the music off long ago. I play from my collection of 4000 CDs (soon to be obsolete I'm told - oh, the expense of converting a collection yet again! :( ). And I put on whichever one comes to hand pretty much.


For those who want to add tunes to Morrowind I would suggest the soundtrack to Merlin (Trevor Jones). The film was dire IMO but the music isn't and it has some rousing battle tunes for dragons and gargoyles.


For Vamp fans there is a cheap Naxos CD of music to the ballet Dracula by Phillip Feeney that has some nice eerie wails and coffin lids banging :shifty: as well as the music. A mere snip at £4.99 in the UK and about half as much in Spain.


And Dijas - I sincerely hope you are not using the Ride of the Valkyries unless you are playing as a Nord :angry: !


Anything you ever wanted to know about music (not popular though) this is the shop for it! :D

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There is something to be said about having winamp going so loud that you dont hear cliffracers untill they go Thwak! on your head. or running through a dwemer ruin with no music and listening to the clank clank and hissing sounds then nearly jumping out of your seat when a spider sneaks up on you.
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I think this has been covered before, but I rule the world so I'm going to get in on this. First off, changing the MW tunes is rather easy as long as you know what you're doing. You just dump your .mp3 files into the music folder, and presto! new music.

I'm a big fan of symphonic music as well as death metal and hip-hop. I don't know why, but they all seem to speak to me on the same level. It's probably the Ritalin.

For world music: Last of the Mohicans soundtrack, Braveheart soundtrack, Gladiator soundtrack, any Mozart symphony and Zao's Where Blood and Fire Bring Rest. If you don't like Zao, you must be very ambiguous indeed.

For battle music: GRITS Grammatical Revolution in the Spirit, GRITS The Art of Translation, Wagner's Gotterdammerung; in fact, the whole Ring of the Niebelung is awesome, so throw that in there too. Then, Paganini, Liszt and Zao's Liberate Te Ex Inferis.


:bleh: That is awesome.


Dream ...

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Instrumental, baby!! I swapped out the old, put in some new fast and furious orchestra action for my battle scenes, and for exploring, I chose to listen to Sum 41!! :lol: Also, I'd recommend some electronica trance music for exploring, really sets the mood if you have the right type! IMO, background music is one of the most important aspects of gaming. It's a darn good thing I'm able to change the music for Morrowind, because it's NOT a good thing when you have to turn off the music on ANY video game! lol
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DreamOfTheRood has got it spot on. I agree with all his choices, but i must add my own, although why no-one else hasnt thought of this i don't know. :huh:


The Lord Of The Rings theme, for both battle and world music. It is (in my opinion) bettered in musical terms by the Star Wars theme only (John Williams is a GOD), and equals Gladiator easily.


Thought i'd stick my 2 pence (cents) in.


Also, Ride of the Valkyries has a permenant place on my HD. That (for lack of a more sophisticated word) rules. So there. :P

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