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please a mod to fix the walls in building mode


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requesting mod to fix the junk walls they don't snap together like the wire ones and leave gaps between them can we get a fix for this please. as well as a better terrain placement version of all walls building on hills just doesn't look right.

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I'd love a mod that either added new solid walls or at least fixed the holes and gaps in all the walls. I may be silly but I want to have the immersion of feeling secure and safe from both enemies and storms while in my home in Fallout. :)

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I agree, I was really distraut at the fact that even if I level up and such there doesnt seem to be a perk that allows you to build non crappy walls that seem to be already shot up or falling apart. Maybe its just my ocd but I couldnt bring myself to build anything that looked so shabby. Id figure I could make at least a solid looking wooden wall but even then it seems like a retard hammered most of that together. The only decent walls were the hallway ones and those come with the holey roof and little pillars everywhere...

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