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Weapons we want in Fallout 4


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The Star Lord pistols from Guardians of the Galaxy would totally be awesome as a new energy weapon! The guns are supposed to be able to fire blasts based off of the four elements. So different types of beams/color of projectiles would be a bonus.

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Would it be too late to ask for any guns Anime? For example: Vash the Stampede's Trigun Pistol should be simple. Just the .45 ammo shooter would be fine. unless multi ammos has been figured out. If multi ammo HAS been figured out how about adding the Zorg ZF-1 multigun? Just asking....

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I think there needs to be more older and retro Firearms that fit Fallout's Theme. I would love to see Older ARs in the game and more Guns too, This is a great Mod page.

Here's what I think should be in Fallout 4.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Someone mentioned a Winchester pump action shotgun already, but what I want to see specifically is


  • Trench gun/Winchester Model 1897

That's pretty much the only modded gun I'm dying to see in game. I don't even care if there are no pump animations or proper reload animations. I'd also prefer if it was a replacement for the combat shotgun, due to the mods that extend the range of that gun to feel more like a real shotgun, or if it was made standalone with stats similar to the IF-88 (an awesome shotgun). With the realistic range plus the option of slug ammunition thanks to the Loads of Ammo mod, the Trench gun would be the last gun I'd ever need in game.


Yeah I'm a bit obsessed with the Trench gun. Millenia's for FONV was beautiful, so I'm hoping him, or someone makes one for FO4 soon.




Chalk it up to a weeb, but i really want the 1897 in-game with ammo variant options. If anyone's ever seen Desert Punk, they'll know what i'm looking for. a solid, simple shotgun that shoots a lot of different types of stuff at the bad guys. it's also gotta be that shotgun 'cause Desert Punk, or i'd have just dealt with all the ammo mods out there.

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  • 2 months later...

If i see another person toss the "theres a standalone for an AR-15 already!!!" and toss a link to the M2216 im going to go insane. That mod is pre creation kit and though impressive given the resources he had available at the time, its not a great quality mod, along with it being severely deformed with the carryhandle bend and rear sight adjustment block being [upsidedown] despite it looking fine in the screenshots, in game its model has a bug with that. But now that the creation kit is out aside from Modern Firearms there is no AR-15/M16 mod that is up to par with even the vanilla weapons in terms of fit/finish/models etc. It lacks polishing

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