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Um... should we perhaps not lose perspective here. This is the kind of division among people that the establishment want.


Problem, reaction, solution.

Lose perspective on what?


So far as I can see, the establishment really doesn't have to do all that much to sow division, as the public seems to do it well enough on it's own.



This is exactly the preamble in every case that has been shown over and over within the study of government structures, unions, colonists, and family feuds. The event: Divide and Conquer.


Family feuds; The event: the son of one family is dating the daughter of the other and neither sides like the others family.


Colonists: Another colony, or tribe, engages in commerce with another and while trading with them schisms occur which cause a member of either side to see ways to change for the better and their group does not want to have any changes implemented.


The conclusion: A marriage occurs and celebration. The colonist, or tribal person either leaves the colony and joins the other or a change in both groups occurs.


In the political arena once the election is over; all the battles in the house of representatives and the congress return to seeking to change the constitution or the bill of rights in one way or another.


A possibility may occur: a new form of government emerges, or, the people rise up in the last throws of the ongoing events and regroup as one people as the resurrection of their common sense occurs.


*Remembering where I stand is difficult if I keep getting knocked off my feet by the people who have claims that they too are of the same governed mind.*


The preamble in the introductory statement of the U. S. Constitution, setting forth the general principles of American government and beginning with the words, "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union."


Common sense rules, no one individual who has raw power commanding a force to subdue and hold enslaved a people in a camp has any more power than their servants, the enslaved, and including the masses of their own people, allow.


The masses of women, children, weak, ill, elder a men and women, or cripple are the people we as a people in our oath to our country say we will defend and aid in the case of an unruly mob or a war breaks out. Those who have families know the weight of these rules on the parents and how it bears down on the children to choose the way they may prefer to live and if not as a U. S. Citizen; than as another member of another country.


In doing business we hope that the family members choose to be a civil and decent group in personal and outer commerce in the family commerce, township commerce, city and state commerce and do so move to another country to live by their rules if they find they would rather when they have learned how they live while carrying on within the borders of Interstate and/or International commerce.

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Sense is common but it changes, and maybe it's even crafted for a certain purpose... The idea that common sense is also always for the 'common good' or even necessarily 'true', should not to be taken for granted either. And in the vast oceans of information, would we even be able to tell the difference anymore??

Between technology (and our reliance on it), science, and global economics, I think we are all having to learn everything practically from the beginning again.

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Sense is common?

I believe that Common sense is the ability to know what is good or bad using our other five senses to achieve a decision, i.e., in the discovery of something new or different our common sense is a tool that uses our five senses to enable us to determine the state of good or bad about the new or different.

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Sense is common?
I believe that Common sense is the ability to know what is good or bad using our other five senses to achieve a decision, i.e., in the discovery of something new or different our common sense is a tool that uses our five senses to enable us to determine the state of good or bad about the new or different.



Well I am a firm believer in a sort of common consciousness - even if it is purely on a chemical basis.


However this is not to say the experience cannot be 'misinterpreted' (hearing colours, feeling numbers and other trippy s***...) or even hijacked into creating simulated thoughts and consciousness. Conditioning, if you will.


Of course we can take it ever further, to a more primal set of principles, but then we end up essentially bewildered and 'in the dark'. At this level it only becomes useful as a means of basic survival... and at that point everything else is just fanciful.

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Sense is common?
I believe that Common sense is the ability to know what is good or bad using our other five senses to achieve a decision, i.e., in the discovery of something new or different our common sense is a tool that uses our five senses to enable us to determine the state of good or bad about the new or different.



Well I am a firm believer in a sort of common consciousness - even if it is purely on a chemical basis.


However this is not to say the experience cannot be 'misinterpreted' (hearing colours, feeling numbers and other trippy s***...) or even hijacked into creating simulated thoughts and consciousness. Conditioning, if you will.


Of course we can take it ever further, to a more primal set of principles, but then we end up essentially bewildered and 'in the dark'. At this level it only becomes useful as a means of basic survival... and at that point everything else is just fanciful.



Do you recognize the term, "collective consciousness"?


In your opinion is common sense still an essential sense?

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Sense is common?
I believe that Common sense is the ability to know what is good or bad using our other five senses to achieve a decision, i.e., in the discovery of something new or different our common sense is a tool that uses our five senses to enable us to determine the state of good or bad about the new or different.



Well I am a firm believer in a sort of common consciousness - even if it is purely on a chemical basis.


However this is not to say the experience cannot be 'misinterpreted' (hearing colours, feeling numbers and other trippy s***...) or even hijacked into creating simulated thoughts and consciousness. Conditioning, if you will.


Of course we can take it ever further, to a more primal set of principles, but then we end up essentially bewildered and 'in the dark'. At this level it only becomes useful as a means of basic survival... and at that point everything else is just fanciful.



Do you recognize the term, "collective consciousness"?


In your opinion is common sense still an essential sense?



Yeah, although I avoided the term deliberately to try avoid any particular association to the 'coined' phrase.


Good question! To be honest, I personally believe it is relative to your surroundings - is taste necessary to eat? So right now in the world I would say common sense is pretty much at its peak, if not in overdrive. Everyone is hyper-sensitive and it causes a sense of frenzy and confusion.


As to whether we are able to embrace and adapt to this heightened sense of intimacy remains to be seen.

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Sense is common?
I believe that Common sense is the ability to know what is good or bad using our other five senses to achieve a decision, i.e., in the discovery of something new or different our common sense is a tool that uses our five senses to enable us to determine the state of good or bad about the new or different.



Well I am a firm believer in a sort of common consciousness - even if it is purely on a chemical basis.


However this is not to say the experience cannot be 'misinterpreted' (hearing colours, feeling numbers and other trippy s***...) or even hijacked into creating simulated thoughts and consciousness. Conditioning, if you will.


Of course we can take it ever further, to a more primal set of principles, but then we end up essentially bewildered and 'in the dark'. At this level it only becomes useful as a means of basic survival... and at that point everything else is just fanciful.



Do you recognize the term, "collective consciousness"?


In your opinion is common sense still an essential sense?



Yeah, although I avoided the term deliberately to try avoid any particular association to the 'coined' phrase.


Good question! To be honest, I personally believe it is relative to your surroundings - is taste necessary to eat? So right now in the world I would say common sense is pretty much at its peak, if not in overdrive. Everyone is hyper-sensitive and it causes a sense of frenzy and confusion.


As to whether we are able to embrace and adapt to this heightened sense of intimacy remains to be seen.



I understand there are many definitions for the words, "Collective Consciousness".


For the sake of helping you understand me I am referring to the personal collection of an individual's collective consciousness when I use them. I do want to keep this within the range which concerns the command of common sense of an individual.


So by doing so it will be easier to continue the discussion compared to trying the larger collective consciousness which by comparison would be like trying to read all the books in the Library of Congress, visit all the Archaeological sites present and past, then tour the museums all over the World, and then work as a night watchmen in a labyrinth of filing cabinets filled with the mysteries with all the things conspiracy theorists would die to read.


I got a bit of headache just writing that paragraph. :laugh:


I think I comprehend what my share of the frenzy and confusion might be like.


Are you going to be a scholastic gatherer of sociological data for your alma mater?

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My view on common/collective consciousness is that it permeates more than just ourselves, as humans, animals or even simple composites of the universe. Everything is connected - you cannot destroy a wooden chair, you merely change its shape.


I think the very nature of things means that nothing can be contained within a book or even a library - you can never step in the same river, and that river has no beginning or end. Of course you can cross the river, but then that is its 'purpose'. Now one could divert the river, even dam it to make a reservoir. Does this change the nature of the river? It's shape?


My feeling (what I would describe as the 'instinct' sense - the number of senses and what they are is a literal 'grey' area laugh.gif) is that the experience can be 'intoxicating'. We are 'drunk' from the increase of information input/output, reaching a sort of critical mass... waiting for the chairs to start flying.

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Is learning limited to supporting us until our common sense is aware of the present in our more immediate environment where we begin to smell, then focus our ability to see, gauge distances and learn then too that our physical range can also detect space and objects within via our exterior flesh and hair through feeling, etc. and so on with each of the five senses?


When you define learning in the way you suggest is your knowledge based on Dionysus or Dionysos, who was believed to be a god and overseer of the grape harvest, winemaking and wine, for ritual madness and ecstasy?

Or a similar persona with traits that infused in your way of thinking suggest the youth rising to the occasion is causing all the disturbances which will calm down after the ritual running of the candidates?

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