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Romance Nick Valentine


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Been watching this one from the sidelines for a while, since my frustration's been mounting for a while now. Glad to see someone's doing something about this!


One thing which is not so great that I've found out is that Nick's voice is a little different in Far Harbour - lower and kinda gravelly, sort of like there's a bit of vocal fry going on. Not sure why a consistent performance couldn't be pulled off. A more egregious case of voice inconsistency has been in FO3 post installation of Broken Steel - Three Dog started sounding different then as well, like the VA was somehow... trying too hard? That's the sense I'm getting and it just doesn't sit right.

I really look forward to seeing how this turns out when it's complete, though! I'm excited to see how close you guys are to being done.

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Lip files! Get ya lip files!

I've generated lip files for what I THINK is all the new/altered dialogue. You can find the loose lip files here.

I've also packaged the lip and wav files into fuz files here, in case you need those.

If I'm missing any lines of dialogue just let me know and I'll fix it. Also, if you'd like for me to put the files into the esp then I can do that too :smile:


Omg thank you, I was just starting to work on generating them myself, but it looks like you beat me to it haha.

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I have tested the mod so far, and the scripting works well so far - dialogue options are appearing in the menu no problem, as a speech check, and you get exp if you pass it just like you would in vanilla. Also, I love Nick's facial animations - the "shocked" face he made when I did the first flirt was priceless. Lips aren't moving and audio isn't appearing, but I'm gonna mess around with it a bit and see if I can get it to work - I probably just installed it incorrectly haha

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Lip files! Get ya lip files!


I've generated lip files for what I THINK is all the new/altered dialogue. You can find the loose lip files here.


I've also packaged the lip and wav files into fuz files here, in case you need those.


If I'm missing any lines of dialogue just let me know and I'll fix it. Also, if you'd like for me to put the files into the esp then I can do that too :smile:


Omg thank you, I was just starting to work on generating them myself, but it looks like you beat me to it haha.


You're very welcome :) I've done a whole heap of them before so I've got it all set up on my computer now. It's easy enough for me to generate new ones.


I have tested the mod so far, and the scripting works well so far - dialogue options are appearing in the menu no problem, as a speech check, and you get exp if you pass it just like you would in vanilla. Also, I love Nick's facial animations - the "shocked" face he made when I did the first flirt was priceless. Lips aren't moving and audio isn't appearing, but I'm gonna mess around with it a bit and see if I can get it to work - I probably just installed it incorrectly haha


Ahhh!! I am so excited to hear that it's kind of working at least! I haven't tested it yet, but that sounds so cute about Nicky's shocked face - I can't wait to see it!


With any luck, that lip/audio file bug will be an easy one to squash. Fingers crossed!


So, does this mean that you're officially the first person to successfully romance Nick Valentine? You devil, you!


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Yeah, I have no experience working with audio or dialog prior to this, so I'm feeling things out as I go. Hopefully, someone will be able to get it working.

I'm looking into it too, using old Skyrim tutorials. I'm going to try something I found online that might solve it - I'll let you guys know if it works!


EDIT: Try editing your custom ini for FO4 like they say in this link: https://community.bethesda.net/thread/11615?start=0&tstart=0


I'm going to try it and see if it works


UPDATE: Audio is working! At least for the first flirt option, I'm using console commands to raise his affinity for the other convos now. Lip syncing is still largely absent, although my fem player moved her lips a little bit (it was kinda slow and off sync but whatevs). I'm so excited!


EDIT 2: Gonna try out Sigrid's fuz files, some tutorials I found online say that that might help.


UPDATE 2: I think I *might* have found a way to get it to work. Sigrid, your fuz files seem to be working when I rename them to match the form id's from shadowslasher's files. The few I've done so far are now working, complete with lip animations. I'm going to try them all out.


UPDATE 3: I renamed all Sigrid's files to match shadowslasher's - I will post a download link to all the fuz files put together in case anyone wants to take a look at them. All the audio is still there (at least for the first 2 convos, haven't finished the eddie winter quest yet), and the lip syncing's a bit better but it's still a little bit wonky. Lip syncing is good for the first part of each piece of dialogue, and then it either slows down to a mismatched pace, or it stops altogether. I'm not sure, but I think it might be because Sigrid's and shadowslasher's files don't match exactly in certain places - some of them cut off in different spots for example. It seems like sigrid and shadowslasher have slightly different versions of BetteCorvega's dialogue. But I think the general solution to getting the lip files to work is compiling everything into fuz files and making sure it has the right form id for its file name.

Edited by kiddo95
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Hey Kiddo :)

Thanks for all the testing & troubleshooting you've been doing so far.



UPDATE 3: I renamed all Sigrid's files to match shadowslasher's - I will post a download link to all the fuz files put together in case anyone wants to take a look at them. All the audio is still there (at least for the first 2 convos, haven't finished the eddie winter quest yet), and the lip syncing's a bit better but it's still a little bit wonky. Lip syncing is good for the first part of each piece of dialogue, and then it either slows down to a mismatched pace, or it stops altogether. I'm not sure, but I think it might be because Sigrid's and shadowslasher's files don't match exactly in certain places - some of them cut off in different spots for example. It seems like sigrid and shadowslasher have slightly different versions of BetteCorvega's dialogue. But I think the general solution to getting the lip files to work is compiling everything into fuz files and making sure it has the right form id for its file name.



I've made some new fuz files (and by extension, loose lip files) from audio files that Shadow linked me, and I've put them up in my dropbox here.

You could try popping them in and seeing if it fixes the out-of-sync dialogue issue.


Also, to both Kiddo and Shadow - just let me know if you need me to generate any more files, I'm happy to help :)

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Hmm, it's still a bit off - lip syncing is really slow and stuff like that. I'm not sure how to fix it though =/


I'm going to keep looking online for solutions - maybe people were having similar issues with skyrim?

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