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Mouse Speed - Lockpick Issue


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Ive used the ini tweaks as follows


and in Prefs
When im trying to lockpick, the lock turns at insane speed, its practically impossible to pick without breaking pins.
Have i done something wrong , or is there another fix i need ?
Also the mouse seems quite clunky when hacking, like selecting the right < ( is hard seems to sometimes need a lot of movement. Like its stuck on letter before or something.
Edited by RomDC5
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I also have very strange mouse-movement issues, probably derived from the typical console-port-itis that so many supposedly "PC" games now have. Remember Skyrim; at least FO4 is better than that!


Anyhow, I have applied all the mouse-movement tweaks, but mouse movement anytime anytime the PipBoy is on screen, or when I'm trying to target in VATS, or basically anywhere other than when I'm just running around, is really borked. Better than with the default settings for sure (with those I couldn't target a specific area in VATS at all. Now I can. Sometimes.)


Anyone figured out how to fix mouse-movement throughout the entire game?

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The high mouse speed movement when lockpicking is when you have turn off force Framerate lock it goes nomal as soon you turn force Framerate lock on again and i hear people with a really high FPS have a lot of Framerate problem when it turn off not only lockpicking but other stuff too.

Edited by kibasnowpaw
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if you use Nvidia then use Inspector to get past the framerate lock problem without getting the Fast speed when lockpicking that what i did not that it really matters because i cant run over 60 FPS anyway im around 55 - 62 FPS with 2x GeForce GTX 680 in sli mode

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