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FOV changes break Power Armor and other HUDs


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More info needed:

- Resolution

- FoV changes made

- screenshot would also be very helpful to determine what 'break' exactly means in this case

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More info needed:


- Resolution


- FoV changes made


- screenshot would also be very helpful to determine what 'break' exactly means in this case





FOV changed to 100 for 1st and 3rd person.


By "break" I mean the HUD overlays for Power Armor do not stretch to match the screen size and do not reach the corners of the screen. Quest updates in the upper left corner are misplaced and do not appear over the green, transparent box. The pipboy light indicator icon does not sit on top of the green, transparent box. Sniper scope overlay boxes are cut off, and both sides of the screen are exposed.


I was under the impression that this was a common issue, as there are resolution fixes on the Nexus already, and one person put up a sniper scope fix for 1080p, but has not been able to figure out the rest of the issues.


For power armor, there are some ini file interface adjustments that can be made to remedy the problem. But they have to be tweaked to your desired FOV.

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Ok, this looks like an issue that is unlikely to be resolved by .ini tweaks and more likely to be fixed by adjusted texture/overlay mods.

So unfortunately I'm out of my depth here with my limited to non existent modding knowledge ;D.

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Ok, this looks like an issue that is unlikely to be resolved by .ini tweaks and more likely to be fixed by adjusted texture/overlay mods.


So unfortunately I'm out of my depth here with my limited to non existent modding knowledge :laugh:.


Ok, but...I just said there are some ini tweaks that do fix the Power Armor. I use them. They work.


Put these under "Interface" in Fallout4.ini


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Yes for the UI there are parameters in the .inis (and it should be easy for modders to change positions of icons and such maybe even with simple text lines in the.ini) but not for the scopes as far as I know. They are most likely just fixed textures that might only change for resolution.

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