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FPS tanking in cities even on higher end PCs.


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I5 4690k @ 4.2ghz, with a GTX 980 and I'm getting FPS dips in cities as low as 30. The reason this is a huge problem IMO is the frame rates fluctuate massively with minor changes to viewing angles. If I'm in the middle of a fire fight and my FPS is spiking between 30 and 60 constantly, that makes the game next to unplayable. I've tried lowering settings and the FPS minimums are still pretty much the same, although I do see gains on the top end. I've tried disabling Vsynch, as well as using the ENB performance booster for FA4 which netted me zero gains by the way, so I uninstalled it.


FYI, my other PC with an I5 2500k & R9 390 has the exact same problem. Interesting enough, both PCs run this game almost identical performance, even though the above rig is a bit better. That tells me this game is seriously unoptimized. I can get the same FPS range within 5% or so (Vsynch on) with the same settings even at 1440p on both PCs. That's just mind boggling.


Is anyone here knowledgeable enough about creation engine to know which settings in the .ini files would cause such a massive performance hit in cities?

Edited by Beriallord
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I think is funny how people get FPS dips that low when i never see min go under 50 and never over 62 ^_^ and thats without the FPS luck.
my advise is go out and finde small HD texture mod so you get less lag because many og the texture is 2 - 4k and look like s*** you can find 1k that looks as good and make it run better.

Edited by kibasnowpaw
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Try setting shadow distance to medium, it seems to be the main culprit for city slowdowns


This may help some people but I don't know, for me neither setting shadow distance to medium nor setting godrays to low helped my FPS (Intel i5-4460 CPU, 8GB RAM, Radeon R9 280X, game installed on a SSD)


After setting most other things from Ultra to High as well I can more-or-less keep the game playable but cities still tank my FPS to below 30

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Check the GPU/CPU usage when in town areas.
I have heavy drops there, almost down to 30 and my GPU/CPU stay around 60% load.

That is what's bothering me, if there's more things to render on a screen, why on earth it doesn't use more of the resources?
That's gotta be a sign of sloppy optimization.

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Its funny when people play with everything on ultra or high and before thinking that -maybe- turning down the graphics options may give you more FPS, they start a new thread on the forums.

even poeple that have pc's that can outrun the game have FPS problem on ultra and maybe they dont want to play on medium/low so that why they ask but idk why they have to make a new thread everytime since it been awser so many times now.

Edited by kibasnowpaw
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Its funny when people play with everything on ultra or high and before thinking that -maybe- turning down the graphics options may give you more FPS, they start a new thread on the forums.

even poeple that have pc's that can outrun the game have FPS problem on ultra and maybe they dont want to play on medium/low so that why they ask but idk why they have to make a new thread everytime since it been awser so many times now.


It doesnt matter if they "dont wanna play on Medium or Low". If they have FPS problems and dont wanna lower graphics, its their problem.

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I have the same issue.

Shadow Draw distance tanks performance and the Draw Call reaches 10000. Honestly, I don't really know exactly what a Draw Call is other than that it refers to how much the CPU is requesting from the GPU. But all in all, Afterburner shows that both the CPU and GPU are not reaching 100% usage, so I am wondering if this is a game engine issue or a limitation of hardware.

I overclocked my CPU at one point to 4.5 Ghz with no effect on performance, so I do not think this is a CPU bottleneck, and as stated before, the CPU and GPU have not reached 100% usage. Honestly, they have not even hit 80%. (that I have noticed anyway.) Some have suggested that the CPU usage is not being spread out over all cores, and that's causing the problem, but my CPU usage seems fairly spread out evenly.

There is a high Draw Call in the problem areas where performance drops. Normally, it seems I get a Draw Call of between 2000 and 5000. Then the problem areas receive a Draw Call of 10000.


Titan X

i7 2700k @ 3.5 Ghz normal and 4.1 Ghz Turbo

16 gigs of RAM

Windows 10

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Its funny when people play with everything on ultra or high and before thinking that -maybe- turning down the graphics options may give you more FPS, they start a new thread on the forums.

even poeple that have pc's that can outrun the game have FPS problem on ultra and maybe they dont want to play on medium/low so that why they ask but idk why they have to make a new thread everytime since it been awser so many times now.


It doesnt matter if they "dont wanna play on Medium or Low". If they have FPS problems and dont wanna lower graphics, its their problem.


No its not its bethesda probelm since they make a big ass buggy game and 20% of the people i know that have got the game have ask Steam to get there money back thats how bad it is.

And thats where Downloading new textures comes in get HD textures that take less space and still look as good wil give you better FPS the probelm with this games is they have 2-4K shitty looking textures and its take to long to get them so the FPS gonna get all f*#@ so Downloading new HD textures that is not as big wil make the pc faster to get those textures and it wil improve your FPS in the game.

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