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Issues with eyes, hair and textures for custom races and vanilla


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I've about reached my limit with this game and all the mods i wanna use but can't seem to get them to work right, I'm trying to install custom races but encounter three problems, Texture missing on most custom races, unable to select any hair type, and the eyes, my god the eyes! either they are pitch black or all f***ed up, I'm using ren's beauty pack, some modular beautiful people mods but i can't figure out for the life of me what is causing me such a pain in the ass, any suggestions on what I can do to fix this, I also refuse to use the construction set, too complicated for me. The game is Oblivion by the way.

Edited by Kingmewtwo
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Well I can't speak to your hair issues as I have not had any for so long, I can't remember except I usually had to add them in the ck myself. However black eye and especially googly eyes (weird multi-iris) is because there are more than one eye mesh (three last time I played but who knows now.)


So if you download some eyes or if you originally used a certain eye pack/beauty pack that changes your vanilla races and then install a custom race the eye meshes may be different.


I finally got it figured out by adding eyes and hairs to the CK myself, and looking at eye textures. Then this lovely mod came out http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/37096/?

and my life got easier.


Though it needs another of his files to work, basically (and please read up on how to use this, though it is complicated at first it is far easier than the alternatives) you put the hair meshes and hair textures in the files and the eye meshes and eye textures in files and they can be scrolled through using a pre-determined key. So you can use and and all eyes that you want, not add them to the ck or even as a esp/esm and just scroll trough the ones that work and the ones that dont. In allows you to pick out some of the file names so you dont have to pick all of them to go through. You do this after the character creation process and that way you can use all the types of eyes at once without having to worry that the eyes don't work with this and will mess all the people up. This does not mean all eyes work with all races..just that you do not have to make any base change to have access to eyes. If you install 3 elaborate eyes in and the custom race uses elaborate eyes then you immediately can use them without adding them to the CK or messing up the vanilla eyes.


Again you have to do some reading and some trial and error is expected but this lets you toss any eyes you see in your game without touching actual races installed, even vanilla.


Depending on how much you have messed things up (as in are your vanilla races all messed up?) you may been to start from scratch with a new clean install. If you are wanting to change your default races to something else (like some of the overhauls) of course this won't help that.


Learning about the meshes and textures most things use (or what the custom race uses as its default is also VERY helpful.) So if something says this is elaborate eyes compatible then you know you can use any elaborate eyes mods. You can tell if they are or not by simply viewing the dds texture of the eye as all of the different eye textures for the meshes look very different.


Good luck. Take some deep breaths and maybe sleep on it. I advise just starting from a clean install.


Hope I haven't confused you here. If I have let me know and I will try to explain a bit. :)

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In Skyrim they renamed the Construction Set (CS) to the Creation Kit (CK). You can see that we have lost Lisnpuppy to the wastelands of Skyrim for too long.

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Well my problem has nothing to do with skyrim, that games a lost cause for me, I have a screen shot of my current issue though, it seems my mods are causing vanilla and custom races to have issues with texture or mesh, i can't tell the difference at all. Great the screen shots too big, here's a paint file of the problem, head's missing, eyes are black, obvious to spot issues, i don't know how I got these mods I am using to work before, but they don't wanna work now

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It seems like you have either not have installed all the necessary files or are missing. Make sure all the necessary files are in the data directory of the game and also make sure you have some form of BSA Redirection either from Wrye Bash (automatic by default) or OBMM (tools then BSA Redirection)

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In Skyrim they renamed the Construction Set (CS) to the Creation Kit (CK). You can see that we have lost Lisnpuppy to the wastelands of Skyrim for too long.


Same crap tookit, different name? lol


I am calling the not yet release fallout 4 GECK GECK2 Electric Boogaloo ha ha


And yes there is lots of missing things. It almost looks as if the CS *cough* is not pointing the mesh to the bodypart.


Perhaps if you could post your load order (in spoiler tags) it would be helpful. :)


Do you use a mod manager? A load order helper? Wyre bash?

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