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4 things that could make settlements better


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1. Better shops. Instead of the wooden lemonade stands the game has we should get some other modules like maybe a chair the npc will sit on during the day to act as the shop or a mat they can stand on. So that you can make a custom shop with some indoor assets instead of just pure stands


2. Structure clipping. There are so many times I can't build something the way I want because two objects are touching. We should have it so you push a button and objects can clip into each other like if any of you used the forge tools in the halo games it would be like that. This would help with things like closing gaps and what not


3. Hot zones, An object like a mat or light that acts as a tag to tell npcs what a building is. For example a mat that will create a bar, Put it down and NPCs will visit the area at night after work and start drinking. Another that will be a place for dinner NPC's will go and eat their before and after work. Even one that will make it so npcs can't enter that area


4. Better pathing, The pathing in this game sucks some buildings I built NPCs wont enter for what ever reason


Anyone else want to add something?

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#4 AI pathing in Bethesda games suck because they use a navmesh system. Basically an invisible grid of triangles on the floor that tells an NPC where they can walk. It is an incredibly buggy system especially when it comes to outdoor cell borders. A better system is to use collision detection with max angle and height to tell NPC's where they can and cannot walk. Clutter on the floor? they would step around it because of the collision type a raised bit of floor that's 1 step higher and taller than the clutter they would step up because of the collision type. furniture and walls would be walked around. But sadly they use navmesh so it would be nearly impossible to fix AI pathing for settlements.

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1. Better shops. Instead of the wooden lemonade stands the game has we should get some other modules like maybe a chair the npc will sit on during the day to act as the shop or a mat they can stand on. So that you can make a custom shop with some indoor assets instead of just pure stands


A solution I thought would be good for this would be to make the "Shops" just a cash register the NPC's could stand at. That way you could put it at a table or a counter or something and create better counters and more advanced looking shops.


Another solution would be to have prefab shop BUILDINGS, so you could lay it down and assign someone to building, and it's a more advanced shop than the lemonade stands.

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1. Better shops. Instead of the wooden lemonade stands the game has we should get some other modules like maybe a chair the npc will sit on during the day to act as the shop or a mat they can stand on. So that you can make a custom shop with some indoor assets instead of just pure stands


A solution I thought would be good for this would be to make the "Shops" just a cash register the NPC's could stand at. That way you could put it at a table or a counter or something and create better counters and more advanced looking shops.


Another solution would be to have prefab shop BUILDINGS, so you could lay it down and assign someone to building, and it's a more advanced shop than the lemonade stands.


Also a great idea

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Another solution would be to have prefab shop BUILDINGS, so you could lay it down and assign someone to building, and it's a more advanced shop than the lemonade stands.



Th is is what I thought an Emporium would be. Not just a lemonade stand with shelves!

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Wouldn't mind being able to place clutter in my structures using the tools given, perhaps the cost to make them is the same as the amount you get from breaking it down. As it's just clutter.

Also, not sure if it's already in the game and I'm just dumb, but bing able to pitch/roll the objects would be nice as well.

Better snapping, there are times when I can place a floor going one direction but not another.

Some of the colisions seem off altogether, or rather stupid, would be nice to be able to disable the clipping temporarily so I can place things more up close and personal to each other, would make building walls easier too, could go for less grid like set ups.

Edited by bogieman987
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That reminded me. Lock objects mod. For what ever reason when I place some items on tables or counters and leave and come back they are clipping into the table or they fall though. I put toasters and photo frames in my house but they are never in the same spot when I come back

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Some kind of terrain leveler or force build option.


Building the fences around settlements can be very annoying when each piece of fence clips with the other leaving noticeable gaps between them. But also trying to build a fence on a slope often leaves massive gaps at the bottom of each piece in some cases exploitable by local wildlife. Being able to 'force' the placement despite clipping would negate both these issues.



I like the hotzones idea too. I often set up a jukebox in a recreation room if the settlement size allows but i end up being the only user...


Trading system would look better if used more by other settlers of same settlement or 'out of towners', and if the stands actually got stocked. Though if we could build a prefab shop building that would also be cool.


Better pathing... thats always been a issue with bethesda games, would be nice but don't hold your breath.

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