Warmaker01 Posted November 30, 2015 Share Posted November 30, 2015 The only time I have had attacks from within are Synth attacks. One instance in particular went like this: 1. I get the notification to help defend X from attack. So I fast travel there.2. I spawn in the typical spot: On the perimeter of my settlement. The shooting begins, turrets start firing, etc.3. Synth Gen 1's and 2's attack from the outside and me, the turrets clear them out. I still here bits of dying gunfire from the inside and rush in, expecting some Gen 1's and 2's rushed through the entrance and turrets I had guarding it.4. When I reach the center, 3 of my Settlers are dead. I search them and see Synth Components. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raycheetah Posted November 30, 2015 Share Posted November 30, 2015 The only time I have had attacks from within are Synth attacks. One instance in particular went like this: 1. I get the notification to help defend X from attack. So I fast travel there.2. I spawn in the typical spot: On the perimeter of my settlement. The shooting begins, turrets start firing, etc.3. Synth Gen 1's and 2's attack from the outside and me, the turrets clear them out. I still here bits of dying gunfire from the inside and rush in, expecting some Gen 1's and 2's rushed through the entrance and turrets I had guarding it.4. When I reach the center, 3 of my Settlers are dead. I search them and see Synth Components.Just another reason to hate the Institute. =^[.]~= Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Malikin Posted November 30, 2015 Share Posted November 30, 2015 I have been building layered defenses in settlements large enough. For Sanctuary I have an outer wall, which I am going to be switching to a wore fence. Then an inner wall, using clipping techniques and so on I cna get foundations in between the existing houses. I can then put guard posts on this wall, as well as turrets. This is my main line, with the main gate, at the bridge heavily defended. My third layer consists of a central tower with guard posts and turrets, along with the occasional turret on top of a structure. This high amount of defense is justified by the water and food production, which I use to barter with. When your water production gets over 100, a high defense is necessity. With so many layers it makes it hard for things to get in. However, Sanctuary is a poor example of a well defended settlement since it is in the blue zone. When I get a chance to I will build up the Drive In and then the Castle. I can test out the layered defense there. But we should be able to make smaller layers even in the smallest of settlements. I like to build vertically, so put on turrets as you go up. I also like to make an outer wall with gaps, fatal funnels. Nothing like a missile turret and a few heavy laser turrets to ruin an attacker's day. I am also finding success with putting the warning siren in the most dependable location. A defender will hit the switch and the settlers will congregate there. You can get your people to go to the best spot, for larger locations. For smaller ones, it just gets them all alerted and into the fighting spirit. Lastly, upgrade their weapons. Sure outfitting them with modded weapons is nice, but why not use all of those heavily modded pipe weapons we always find in the harder areas. As you are able, switch them out for better weapons. Hope this helps. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warmaker01 Posted November 30, 2015 Share Posted November 30, 2015 Haha, I used to have a warning siren to try it out in one of my settlments. I quickly removed it after the first attack with it. Even with the fighting done, I had 2 settlers in a congo line for the siren who kept it cycling. I figured that with enough time they'd stop. So I went crafting to mod up some armor, weapons I looted from the recently deceased Gunners who attacked. After modding up all that gear to issue out to my people... These guys were still cycling the alarm :laugh: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
W1slicer Posted December 3, 2015 Share Posted December 3, 2015 Ditch it and go to Hangmans Alley. Just a few blocks west of Diamond city. It's a settlement location settled in a large alleyway with 3 choke points. The Building that surround you will prevent stuff spawning inside the settlement because of natural terrain. Actually, Hangman's Alley gave me the same issue. I walled off the back entrance, to force Raiders through the main gate, where I had three turrets and guard tower waiting. Except they continually spawned in from the rear. I also had Sanctuary walled off, only entry was over the bridge. But with 52 people living there (don't ask, I have no idea), no Raider lived long enough for me to figure out where they came from. Had this same problem and as others mentioned you have to have an entrance or two wide open or enemies will spawn right inside the walls. In my case a huge raider force with power armor spawned inside Hangman's Alley, nearly destroyed everything. One solution might be to wall off, but have turrents facing inwards. Problem after that is figuring out where they might spawn. In Sanctuary I got paranoid after the first time, started placing turrents everywhere inside. For Hangman, I've found that leaving the two doorways unblocked/unchained prevents interior spawns. After that it is normal business. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Atiking Posted May 15, 2016 Share Posted May 15, 2016 Ditch it and go to Hangmans Alley. Just a few blocks west of Diamond city. It's a settlement location settled in a large alleyway with 3 choke points. The Building that surround you will prevent stuff spawning inside the settlement because of natural terrain. Unfortunately that's not true.I blocked only 1 entrance in Hangmans Alley (the narrow passage at the back, between 2 blocks) with a building where i put the beds for the settlers to sleep, and supermutants spawned inside that room i builded. I think it may help that if a settlement is "under attack" you should not fast travel directly there. Go to a nearby fast travel destination and go to the settlement on foot. I didn't find any inside spawn yet when i used this method. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheGadget1945 Posted May 15, 2016 Share Posted May 15, 2016 I had this problem with the Mirelurk Queen spawning inside Murkwater every single time I went there. The simple answer is to set up one or more Heavy Laser Turrets where the Raiders spawn.I have 2 HLTs outside the entrance to Covenant and the Raiders are usually dead before I see them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheBoogerMan Posted May 15, 2016 Share Posted May 15, 2016 Raiders, Synths and other threats have certain spawn points in and around every settlement; and if you don't know where they are, walls won't do you any good. Smaller settlements are easier to defend with walls cuz usually attacks do indeed come from just outside the area; Red Rocket is good example - a wall DOES work there cuz attacks always come from the woods across the road or from over the hill toward the river. Oberland Station is another good one for a wall; the attacks always seem to come from down the hill and tracks to the south and from up the hill across the tracks. But in Sanctuary, Raider attacks never come from across the bridge but from the west; there's a spawn point just down the path that leads to Vault 111, there's one right before the street does the loop and one little further up from between two houses. These points are ones I've seen in action, multiple times. For another example, there's at least two spawn points within Starlight Drive-Inn proper; I've actually seen Raiders pop into existence at these points during an attack. So, taking the time and effort to build a junk wall/fence at the edge of the building area is a waste of time (which did with my first character...). I just built a concrete curtain wall in Starlight which uses the movie screen as part of said wall (I started at each edge of the screen and built out toward the projection house). Near as I can tell, that puts both of those spawn point outside my wall. I've seen a mod that re-positions all enemy spawn points to outside the building area of settlements, but last I looked, it was still a WIP (he'd gotten about 6 or 7 done). But anyway, I'd only rely on walls for the smaller settlements. EDIT: Ah, he's gotten more done! Here's the link to Settlement Attacks Beyond by scary666scream Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
foxcool Posted May 15, 2016 Share Posted May 15, 2016 I had this happened to me when I first started, I completely wall off startlight drive-in with only one entrance and the raider spawn inside the settlement when I fast travel to defend it. I've soon realized there's absolutely no advantage to walling off, just build hard to access turrets and house the generator indoors. Build turrets around water supplies, food and generators since those are the ones that can get damage. If you wall off your settlement it'll just takes longer for you to defend since the raiders will need to move slowly to the entrance, it also have zero effect on the settlement's natural defense. Conclusion, forget walls, just build turrets. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheGadget1945 Posted May 15, 2016 Share Posted May 15, 2016 At Outpost Zimonja they always spawn outside so I have a missile launcher and they are usually blown to pieces as soon as I get there. I had a funny situation where I fast travelled there and a settler was killed by a missile. I reloaded and the same happened but when I looted him he was a synth.At Starlight they were attacked by 2nd gen synths and 4 out of 16 settlers were killed. All of the 4 were synths. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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