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A letter to the people of Gamingsource


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Hello everybody,


I guess a lot of you don't know me very well or at all. I'm Vaanic~One, a staff member here at TESSource.net (though you probably fathomed both of those facts out by looking at who posted this).


A very long time ago, I made articles regarding the facts surrounding Armour and Weapons in Oblivion. Since then, however, there have been patches and expansion and both of these sections hold either incomplete or outdated information - which is where you come in.


I no longer have Oblivion installed - the old computer crashed and the new one doesn't hold a graphics card good enough to play it. Hence, I haven't got KOTN or SI yet. So what I would like you all to do is look at the information contained in the current pages (I assume you know how to find them - TESSource.net's left side under "Oblivion") and see what the format is like, get a feel for it, and then give me the information for the armour/weapons in KOTN and SI. You can post it right here in this thread and I'll add it.


I'm mostly looking for the facts about them and a rating of how good they are in comparison to each other. You don't have to give me the numbers (armour rating, for example) if you don't want to. You also don't have to be an amazing english writer either - I can play the part of editor if needs be.


So, are you up to it? If so, good. Don't let me down. :)


Optimistic Regards,


TESSource Staff.

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Sure, I'll give this a shot. Its all in the CS after all. Eating dinner now, so I'll get back to you later. Do you also want things like items added in Mehrune's Razor and Deepscorn Hollow?
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It's be great if TESSource could get some help writing up some original content and articles to put on the site, either informally from collaborative postings on the forums or personally through correspondence with me.


At the moment the site is really just a files repository and I'd like to expand it a bit to be a fully fledged information resource. Hence why I asked Pov to jump onboard a few weeks back and knock out some news every now and again. Always looking for willing helpers :)

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I did start a guidebook to Oblivion but no one seemed that keen on it so I shelved it. Wouldn't take much to restart it.


and I have sent info on things like Skill books which I still have here

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Hey, I know I'm new to the message boards, but I've been playing Oblivion for a while, and I'd like to contribute.


There are some really nice new weapons in SI:

Dawnfang/Duskfang: a sword that changes from a fire effect to a frost effect at sundown, and back again at sunrise. Powerful sword, good enchantment, interesting acquisition.


Shadowrend: A black claymore (like the Umbra of Morrowind). Very high damage, with damage magicka and weakness to magicka enchantments


Nerveshatter: A huge, crystallized warhammer with excellent damage


Grummite weapons: Crude, weaker weapons carried by goblin-like Grummites. The Grummite weapons come in grades, the best are still around glass level.


Dark Seducer and Golden Saint weapons: Golden Saints carry primarily longswords and shields, Dark Seducers carry maces and shields. The longswords are on par with ebony swords, and the maces are equal with Silver weapons. Dark Seducer/Golden Saint armor is a set like the Arena armor that covers most of the body except the head. I believe they are both heavy armor, but I'm not completely sure.


Amber weapons are forged from gathering Amber, like the Adamantium ore from MW. These are high-level weapons, and the light armor formed from Amber is better than glass. A bow, hammer, mace, and sword are available.


Madness weapons and armor are the heavy counterpart of Amber, and are slightly better than Daedric armor/weapons. A bow, claymore, sword, and war axe are available.


The Order swords are also available, ranging over several grades from Tarnished to Perfect, the latter being equal with Daedric Longswords.

Hope this helps!

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In Common Oblivion COBL there is a set of alchemical reference books that list every Ingredient by effect, and every effect by Ingredient. Right now it only includes Vanalla ingreadients, but it is still a handy reference to have around. If your interested, you might want to get in touch with Wrye about using them.
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Dark Seducer and Golden Saint weapons: Golden Saints carry primarily longswords and shields, Dark Seducers carry maces and shields. The longswords are on par with ebony swords, and the maces are equal with Silver weapons. Dark Seducer/Golden Saint armor is a set like the Arena armor that covers most of the body except the head. I believe they are both heavy armor, but I'm not completely sure.

A bit wrong here... Golden saints use blunt and heavy armor. Dark Seducer use blade and light armor. Both their weapons and armor scale equal to standard equipment of that type. Golden saint armor starts out equal to a full suit (helmet and shield are seperate, but still follow the same pattern) of iron, and progresses through all the heavy types to daedric. Dark Seducer progresses through all the light armor types. As by default the armor isn't playable, and they're all named the same ingame, it isn't exactly clear without looking at the CS. This also means that it is adjusted by a leveled list, and may prove to be probematic with some large game changes.

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Are you sure? All the Golden Saints in my game carry longswords and the Seducers carry maces, but maybe it has to do with which quest I pursue. I chose the Dementia storyline, if that helps.


It might be random, Ive seen Dark Seducers with Axes in one of my games.

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Are you sure? All the Golden Saints in my game carry longswords and the Seducers carry maces, but maybe it has to do with which quest I pursue. I chose the Dementia storyline, if that helps.


It might be random, Ive seen Dark Seducers with Axes in one of my games.

After looking in the CS, it seems we're both right, at lower levels it is as I said, at levels 9+ it gets switched. As the weapon skills for both favor their late game weapons, it looks like there may be a sudden change in guard strength at level 10 or so. Difference between starting the expansion with a new character and playing with a higher one I suppose. Someone making a leveled list mod might want to expand this a bit better, and even out the skills or something.

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