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Virus Alert @ tessource.net


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If you are connected to the internet, you can contract AIDs computer viruses. They might even be sent directly to you. Now, I'm assuming no one is out to get you and maliciously sent you the virus. Also, why would adds give viruses? They wouldn't be effective adds then. Imagine seeing an add to buy something, and you are toying with thoughts of buying it. Then you find out that add sent you a virus. Would you still want to buy the item? I wouldn't Also, you said that a message came up saying it was detected. It could have been a delayed message. Maybe you got the virus, it started working it's way in, and several minutes later, it was finally found. Then a message pops up saying it was found.

It could really be any number of things.

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i scan my PC every day . just before i log on i had scanned my PC .

the "Virus" was inside my browser cache directory .

i clean up my cache everytime i close my browser .

My antivirus is up to date .


sorry about my english

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I think it comes from the Google Ads .

but it's possible that it comes from some other "locations"

maybe some hijackers put in a redirection onto the page i was viewing .

Next time i log on to tessource.net i will use an adblocker or i spend some Money to upgrade my status ;)

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ninja_lord666 please go back to spamming newbies... Since when did you suddenly become the all-knowing master of the site? You don't know anything for sure, ads have been known to spread viruses as they open up webpages, run scripts, and redirect you. Just because you havn't caught one doesn't mean it isn't possible, actually I remember a few months back that people were reporting either a virus or some other malware being installed if they weren't logged into the forums. There was a recent change in ads (they do suck now by the way), so something going foul again without the admin knowing is possible, they don't personally pick adverts. It isn't until people catch these things that those problems are known about and stopped.
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