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Nexus Mods now has 10 million registered members


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Great history. Awesome. So glad I became a premium member (for a mere pittance, imo) 5 years ago to help. NewsCorp. Really? You beat NewsCorp/Ruppert Murdoch??? That in itself is truly awesome if it is the same NewsCorp.

I love the Nexus. Robin (Dark0ne) THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU Modders for posting on this site!!!


Nexus rocks. Only site I will pull mods from. I feel completely safe here. Never had a malicious mod. When someone had tried to upload bad sh$t you and your crew were all over it. While some mods would crash my game that was, as most know, due to mod conflicts. While there have been rough times (and many complained and gnashed their teeth in frustration) the site always continued to improve. The change to the CDN server was hard for a few but my d/l speeds are f'ing at warp.

You have the contacts with game devs this site and your rep deserve. Cannot wait for Bethesda to release the FO4 CK. If anyone can influence them to do so it is you.

Best wishes for an awesome holiday for the entire Nexus staff. I for one cannot thank all of you enough for such an awesome site. Wooooo!!!!


To all you modders.. Thank you too. The Nexus and all the work of Dark0ne and his crew would be nothing without your support and incredible creativity. Honestly, I have played with the CK and personally modded some scripts for myself but you folks are leagues ahead of me. I never tire of seeing new mods posted. I may not d/l it, but keep that creativity flowing!


Ok.. ima done. Love you all! =)


Edited by ravernware
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In response to post #30825770. #30838280 is also a reply to the same post.

ThePeruvianBear wrote: I'm so glad I transferred over to PC instead of Xbox for Fallout 4. It might have cost a bit more but the benefits are amazing the mods alone have made it worth it for me and the mod kit isn't even out yet. Nexus is amazing also. Chill ass community I can definitely f*#@ with that. Congrats.

Also quick note coming from a backround of web design I urge people to show your support by at least disabling ad block so the site can get it's share of ad revenue.
TheInquisitor wrote: I purchased lifetime membership for that very reason. Support a fantastic community that does a tremendous service to PC Gaming. Long live the Nexus!

yes.. become a premium member. Tho maybe Nexus makes more via adds???
I dunno.
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In response to post #30818200. #30819075, #30821475 are all replies on the same post.

Sigurd44 wrote: Life would be boring without Nexus.

axonis wrote: I think you are serious, but the motion clip you have attached is rather sarcastic.
PikachunoTM wrote: The struggle is real! x3

I had to look it over twice to make sure they were being serious, but even now I'm questioning myself...

wut? If Orson Wells is clapping from the grave it's gotta be good! LOL
But it is good. The Nexus and the contributions from you modders has seriously changed my gaming experience for the better. Thank you. :)
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In response to post #30818995.

DAOWAce wrote: ..and it still bogs down heavily during peak hours, which still renders NMM nearly unusable.


works great for me. But then my rig and internet are somewhat hi-end. Sure it's not your 'equipment' that is leaving you unsatisfied??
LOL no offense meant.. we should be celebrating and getting seriously trashed while either saving the wasteland or killing everything that moves. FO4 rocks!!
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In response to post #30818940.

MrsHandy wrote: Congratulations on your success! But more importantly, thank you for providing such an excellent service. I must say that your site is a shining example of functionality and community. I've used the sight since 2008 but I've had a couple of accounts banned for my formerly rude behaviour. So I would also like to thank you and your mods for setting excellent standards of conduct and for helping me learn not to be such an ass. Yes, i can honestly say that i am glad I was banned from the nexus, because I wanted to get back on so bad that I actually learned my lesson! Ha Ha, here's to another 10,000,000!

sweet post. serious. sent you a kudos cookie. enjoy. welcome back too. ;)
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Came for the Fallout 3, stayed for the rest of the Fallout and TES series of games. This site took me down the rabbit hole, and I have spent as many of the thousands of hours modding/breaking/researching/tweaking as I have playing these games that I love.


But even better than the mods themselves, the efforts of you, your staff and volunteers, have created a unique space for modders and their fans to have some of the most civil, passionate, and intelligent discussions I have seen in gaming. From the modders - who brave entitlement and petty complaints, yet keep coming back and sometimes supporting their mod for years after a favorite game has been published - to the scores of helpful individuals, often answering questions over and over for those too lazy to search on their own!


So congratulations - and thank you - Dark0ne, on staying in the game long enough to turn your passion into ours, and creating this codependent community that continues to grow. Onward and upward!


- E

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In response to post #30818995. #30847995 is also a reply to the same post.

DAOWAce wrote: ..and it still bogs down heavily during peak hours, which still renders NMM nearly unusable.

ravernware wrote: works great for me. But then my rig and internet are somewhat hi-end. Sure it's not your 'equipment' that is leaving you unsatisfied??
LOL no offense meant.. we should be celebrating and getting seriously trashed while either saving the wasteland or killing everything that moves. FO4 rocks!!

You must be fun at parties.
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