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Small update:

Admin castle has been resized, before it was half the size of White Gold, now it is a forth of the size.

The way to get to it is to use teleporters in all the main citys, the teleporters back are under the Statue of that town's God (going by what'shernames 'Guide to...), for example; the Teleporter to Anvil is under the statue of Dibella.


EDIT: Just remembered somthing: Border Removal neaded. (unless you can suggest another location for admin castle)

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Plee to Admin:

I NEED your descripts for your NPCs


Here it is again.


>Habbits (Good/Bad).

>Favorite Food (seriously).

>Favorite Colours (I'm really not kidding).

>Favorite Weapon.

>Favorite Armour.

>Custom Enchantment.






The above is for Admins/Staff/Moderators ONLY.

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As anyone who has seen my topic "*censored*" will know, I have (stupidly) deleted my ENTIRE oblivion folder, which means TOTAL RESTART of this mod (and my game). :(
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Toan and Spyron were helping, with NPCs.

I was, no AM, going to encorporate thier NPCs into the mod.


Still, at least I can now find a new place for Admin Castle...Maybe under-water/ground.

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This file is to big for the Recycle Bin.

Do you want to delete it permernently?


| Yes || No || Cancel |


It didn't fit in the bin so, Oblivion went to oblivion.

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:( My condolances sincerely for your loss of your files. I have some spare time on my hands and know some npc scripting as well as exterior/interier designing. If you need help in speeding up the process, I would be glad to help 8). just pm me any time if you need the extra asisstance. Anyways, seeing that I will be a mole person as you would put it, I guess it would be cool if I lived in a small old fort ruin that i cleared out for myself. I cleaned up most of the ruin (this means no debris or rubbage on the floor) and stay away from much of society. My character loves lore and and knowlegde of all things so he would be collector of knowlegde. Any artifact, book, or symbol of knowlegde he would scavenge and bring it to his underground ruin. Im not saying my guy should have a library or anything (to poor for that ;D) but he should have miscellaneous collections of well you know. Anyways, my guy also balances his ablities between the sword and magic and wears light armor. My charater is



weapon-dual steel short swords(I would use daedric but Im a mole man)

major skills-restoration, sword, light armor, destruction, athletics, acrobatics, armorer

armor-chainmail or possibly mithril(a purple or red cape would be nice)

personality-calm, light tempered, jovial, neutral-good, shy, philosopher, and a bit crazy



features-rudy skin/arabic looking, brown eyes, black hair, rouge knot, mustache and heavy beard.

favorite city-Anvil(love the beaches 8))

job-self employed, i work for no one but myself/ I do not affiliate or ally myself with anyone/ i fend for myself and hunt for myself although I am friends with a few imperial foresters, hunters and other people on the fringes of society.

religion- i have none, I dont worship the Aedra because they don't do a darn thing and i don't worship the daedra because they are too manipulative

Enemies- undead


p.s. If you cant put in a fort ruin, please put me in a cave 8) thanks for this cool mod idea

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weapon-dual steel short swords(I would use daedric but Im a mole man)


...(a purple or red cape would be nice)

Both of these require mods, sorry.

p.s. If you cant put in a fort ruin, please put me in a cave 8)

Small tower added to Gold Coast. ;)


Thanks for the offer, but I can do NPC scripting and int/ext design.

What I really need is a Quest Maker.

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What I really need is a Quest Maker.

I don't have the time to work on another project, and I don't have Shivering Isles. But maybe you can try it yourself? You could read my Quest Tutorial. If you have any questions or something doesn't work you can always post there or send me a PM. :)

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