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Imperial Legionnaire


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This is a good idea. What help do you need? Ninja since your helping me I might help you make the evilest quest ever. Maybe even in my mod since your going to write it. ;)

Unlike Bethesda I'm going to be fair. You can either back the noble samurai, or back the mercenary ninjas. Even if you back the ninjas, you can choose to lead them towards the sadistic, cultist side (like the Dark Brotherhood), or keep them just simply paid assassins (like the Morag Tong).

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Great idea for a mod, would really like to see it.


Are you planning on making just a heap of quests or going to add a random occurance factor into it?

In random occurance I mean a few scripts that add a legion boss, then you work a 8-9 hour shift and deal with random events (thieves,rapists,stalkers,assaults,murders) etc. ?

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On topic: The mod sounds good, if you can pull it off. I recomend writing down the quests and everything before you get stuck in, because there may very well be conflict with other quests. For instance, the Dark Brotherhood eliminates one of the Imperial Captians, so the quests can't involve him. The Thieves guild relocates Hironimous (sp?) Lex. There is a quest to get rid of Itias Hayne (sp?) aswell. So, just be sure to check other questline conflicts.

Or set it up so that the factions are mutually exclusive.

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This is a brilliant idea and your original post suggests you are taking a good approach that will make it quite attainable.


Anyway, let me know if I can help. A small job I could certainly do, provided it doesn't require scripting or modelling or more than moderate experience with the TESCS, perhaps playtesting...

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Sorry I haven't checked this in a while. Wow, everyone sure seems interested. I plan on making a series of quests: like I said, much like the fighter's/mage's guild. I will NOT be using those annoying pompous little captains of the watch (that's right, I don't like them, and I'm a "good" guy) and will be using my own NPCs.


So far I have a working quest that lets you become a recruit. If anyone would like to try it, please ask and I will upload it. Anyone who wants to help, well I'm not so sure as to how this would work, but I guess I can send you the .esp and you can add a quest or what have you.


Please note that I am learning a LOT as I'm going. I also have a VERY tight schedule, what with school and all. Thank you all, and good day.



@ninjalord666: I highly value your opinion, but this is not the mod's point. If someone else would like to endeavour to make a mod like what you want, or you would, I would be very pleased. I too am displeased with the lack of evil in Oblivion.


@some other random people: I have not *cowers in fear* played Morrowind. I will look this up soon enough.

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I was going to start work on an Oblivion Imperial Legion mod of my own - good to see someone else was thinking the same idea!


I'm a novice at working with the editor, but I could help with the faction's ranks and quests. I've played the hell out of Morrowind too, so I know what the Imperial Legion was like in TESIII. I'd be glad to help out, if you need it.

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Alright, again thanks for the interest. I will be quite busy for a bit, so please take this version of the mod and work on it.


Note: everything I added (quest, npcs) will start with xx. The form for the quests is xxIL[name][number].


@Gafgar: would you take this first part? Edit the faction ranks, the first quest (xxILJoin00) dialogue, and npc names if you wish. When you're done just post the next part.

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