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Imperial Legionnaire


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Greetings and welcome. I have just embarked upon a medium-large sized mod that will allow the player to join the Imperial Legion. It will expand upon the original faction, with new ranks. There will be new NPC's and possibly encampments etc. This mod will create a questline in the genre of the Fighter's or Mage's Guild.


I have judged the difficulty of this mod and feel that my talents are adequate enough to cover a large portion of the material needed; however, I am only human and will need help. So I ask you, modding community, for your feedback, suggestions, requests, help, and most of all support. Thank you all and good day.


Absolutely fan-bloody-tastic news!!! The very best of luck with this, I look forwards to it!

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Welll Welll Welll everybody has theirs own ideas some for fame, other for infame, but one thing i think everbody agrees.

The cooliest thing in the game are the battles by their selfs and their realistic look.

So even if you are a good or a bad person its a pleasure to destroy your enemies.

So ninja and the other guys please do not forget to include in your new mods a more bloodiest version of the deadly reflex mod man! i mean only decapitate and cut in a half does not finish my blood wish because i would love to truly see mine enemies in very litle pieces! (remembering that mine character is a holy crusader but i always enjoy to rip bad guys in pieces. :) )

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

NICE!!!!!!!!! finally someone who read mymind it was my favorite guild in morrowind and now you guys bring it to oblivion ! :rolleyes::P


Just out of couriosity are you guys plannig on putting back the lords mail and the nice sword( god its been so long since I played morrowind I completely forgot the name...) anyhow thause two objects would be a nice add to this mod as well as the title imperial dragoon lol well anyways it was just a comment like that on another basis are you guys planning to make the npcs follow the orders? cause it would be really nice

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Since toan450 and Chris 07 seem to be AWOL, I'll be assuming leadership of this project for now. It'll take some time since I have to start from scratch (a recent computer crash wiped my copy of the file, and the switch from TESSource got rid of toan's version), but I'll try to get something respectable ready for release as soon as possible. At least I still have the questline we were working on memorized...


Any help with this project would be most welcome.

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