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Modifications for Mod Not Working

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Your idea did not work. The code will not compile. This is what I wrote after the xMarker statement.


DLC03SarahRef.AddScriptPackage DLC03SarahLyonsScript


It's all spelled correctly too, and the name exists.



Well, even after testing it, the problem still persists.


I even tried the console command "AddScriptPackage", after getting the reference ID number on any script package I could find. Not even that worked.



Well, at this point, all I can do is conduct the console command "SetRestrained 1" on Sarah Lyons. Yes, it means that there is no sandbox for her and she'll just stand in one place; but at least she won't wander off. I can't seem to figure out the problem. I've tried everything. If anyone else ever finds a solution, let me know. I will keep regularly checking this forum.

Edited by CourierandWanderer
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