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24 Leg Walk Cycle WIP


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24 Leg walk cycle. This is just bone Movement view. Its not rendered. No Mesh.

Please give comments.



Nice work. The animation is impressive, but my eyes cant seem to track what the skeleton does when it turns through the bends. What do you plan on using this for (if I may pry)? Are you planing on making anything for Oblivion? :D

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It looks like your going for a centipede animation, not bad but the mechanics of the legs isn't quite right.

You have an alternating step kind of gate going on but in the actual insect the motion is more wave like.


This video has some good footage of a giant centipede walking on a guys arm (not very smart) but it shows what I mean about how the legs move.



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Great job putting all of it together.


As far as comments to possibly improve what you have, I only have 2 suggestions.


1. It looks like the body is bouncing up and down as it moves along. I would expect the body to remain very steady from a vertical (z) axis while it walks. The body should look like a snake slithering on the ground because the legs are doing all the work.


2. Instead of a two by two leg animation, it would flow better if you worked 3 rows of legs into a single animation flow (if that even makes sense to you). The 2-leg animation flow seems a bit mechanical. Along with making it use 3 rows of legs to make a single pass, it would look even better if the overall leg animations were randomized a bit or at least offset a little.

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