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Access to Tracked Files


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Fellow Gamers:


Maybe I'm missing something here, but I'm not able to figure out how to get to my tracked files (a feature for members). It used to be somewhat drawn out (took a number of mouse clicks to reach) but now I'm clueless. I just spent 15 minutes poking around the new site and I simply gave up. Could someone please clue me in?...


BTW: I can still see the "Tessource is moving" message at www.tessource.COM and only knew to go to URL www.tessource.NET by reading the forum...

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There's an extra step now which involves clicking their name (which takes you to their profile) then clicking on the link for the files they've uploaded to TESSource. That will take you to their author profile.


I'll probably add author and file tracking links to the mod page for supporters soon. Sorry about that.


EDIT: added a "Track this author" link under the normal "Track this file" icon on the file page.

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