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No exploding NPC body parts (Realism) mod? or setting? Anyone know?


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Does anyone know if there is either a mod or a setting through the console that disables dismemberment and exploding npc body parts, if not reduces it? I hate how this is default now, it used be a feature within a perk in FO3 that enabled this. But I'm just tired of NPCs getting their heads literally blown off by a .45 pistol. It's stupid.

Edited by Nebrule
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Yeah I was right, bdisableallgore=1 does exactly that, disables all gore including any and all blood textures.


I can't believe this cant be done through the console some way, it's just the gib effect that needs to be turned off.

Edited by Nebrule
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Ok there's two mods as of right now that address the dismember rate...



Immersive Dismemberment Rate by yanek



...yanek's on the right track with this one. It's been mentioned in his comments section as well as another thread on this issue found here, that there are a few strings of code that govern these settings but no one is %100 if all of these are working properly or not, although some seem to be with this mod...






Fancy Kills by TroyIrving



This one, kind of teases at the possibility of altering gibs but I beleive it only effect the rate of the slowmo critical combat animation, yet to be confimed.

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Thanks Nebrule for keeping the discussion going on this. So far as I understand (without having played prior games) these settings were easy to mod in Fallout 3 and NV, but those commands don't seem to work now.


And as you said, it's annoying there's no option to turn off gibs but keep blood. Why must it be all or nothing?

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I use Immersive Dismemberment myself, as Nebrule suggested. Works quite well, and doesn't prevent manual post-mortem dismembering if that happens to be your thing.

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Yeah I'm using it now, I'm using the %0 setting, but even with that there's still the chance of limbs exploding and I think thats the trick with gibs in FO4, there seems to be two different and sererate effects with gibbing as in FO3...


One is the dismemberment of limbs, in which they are severed but remain whole parts themselves.


anyone else feel like we're in some kind of crazy morbid deep web forum ? :blink:


The other is the explosion effect in which these limbs futher break apart into small pieces of blood, guts and whatever in the hell esle. :sick:


In FO3 it seems like these settings were collectively managed, the decrease in rate of one effect would decrease the rate of the other.


In FO4 it's not lookin like thats the case.


So where we're at now is trying to figure out how to reduce the 'explosion' effect. Yanek's Mod seems to have taken care of the effetcs of dissmemberment.

Edited by Nebrule
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