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Respawning loot / enemies


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They'll respawn if you stay away long enough.


The game world is split on a vast grid of Cells. Simply put, Cells are a moderately large section of territory. Most Cells will respawn in Fallout 3, just not all.

For the Cells that do, they'll respawn if you uninterruptedly stay away from them for 3 days (72 game hours). If you come back before the 72 hours threshold, the countdown is reset and you'll have to go away for another 3 days.


By default, I don't think any of the Metro/Tube/Subway Cells respawn. Clear a station or the tunnels -> they stay clean forever.

But everything on the surface world will respawn in 3 days.



The answer is yes.

Sounds like Josh Burke in the radio interview in Saints Row The Third :tongue:

Edited by 2ndWind
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